Yvonne Perkins
Chicago, Illinois, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2005 | SELF
Industry Review of I CROWN YOU
Category IRB Review Score
The music is very good. Actually it has that old time religion feeling to it that I grew up with listening to. There are some piano notes off key at the beginning, but it really does not affect the song overall. 9
The only problem I have here is in the verse ”stole the victory from the grave.” You might want to add another word or two, so that you do not have to stretch out the word “grave”. 8
Arrangement &
The only problem I have here is it seems the mix is off a bit after the “hallelujah verse, as you come back in at the “I crown you” verse. 8
Lead Vocal:
For the most part my only observation is the one I stated above about the phrasing on the word “grave”. 8
I have no problems here, with the exception of the opening piano intro. 8
As before, with all of the gospel music it is hard to say that this song is in a category all its own. 6
However, that is the good thing. The market always seems to be open to new and fresh gospel music. This would have been a good song for Easter services as well. 9
General Comments:
Overall, this like your other songs is very good. My only observations are the phrasing and stretching some of the words to cover the music. The addition of another “Hallelujah”, or some other word relative to the song would help eliminate that and make the song flow a little more smoothly. I think you should also think about putting out a CD of your songs. Average Score
IRB Review Score
I thought the simple 2-chord traditional gospel structure was very effective – for most of the song. But I think the song could be improved by departing from those chords for one repeating section. I think you could expand upon the existing melody and chords in – let’s call it a chorus – when the lyric goes: “Don't you know, don't you know it shall not always be like this? To every thing there is a season a time for every purpose under heaven.” I felt the meter of the song naturally changes there and there’s an opportunity to give some much needed relief for the 1 and 4 chords (I think over 4 mins. it's a long time to sustain just those 2 chords). 8
The story goes a wise man was once asked what was the truest statement anyone could make. His answer was: “this too shall pass.” And that’s, in effect, what this song is about. Probably the most universal truth there is. As in the past, I think you have really tapped into a greater source for your inspiration here and, as before, it rings very true. I wouldn’t change a word. 9
Arrangement &
Your production is getting better. I see you are already planning these songs for incorporating a choir, as I have suggested, and I can’t wait to hear them like that. I think keeping the instrumental track simple, basic and with real musicians playing real instruments (as opposed to synthesizers) was the right move. This track, even just as it is, would provide an excellent basic track upon which you could add a choir. My one critcism was that I didn’t hear much of the organ until the end, as it was overshadowed by the guitar. I think a little creative mixing could solve that easily. 7
Lead Vocal:
Again, I flatter myself to think you might have taken my advice, but I’m delighted to hear that you have found an excellent young singer that puts this song over very well indeed. A major improvement over the previous arrangement. Next I’d like to hear one of the great voices in gospel take on one of your songs. 8
The musicianship was very solid here. I heard every player clearly and they all play their instruments very well and appropriately for this kind of roots-gospel. Good job! 8
I think it’s original and refreshing to be doing this kind of traditional gospel music in these times of everything getting slicker and more modernized. I think you’re doing just the right thing by swimming against the tide and reminding people what it’s really all about. 6
I think this is the best recording I’ve heard from you so far. It’s an ideal song demo, presentable to any name group in gospel. 8
General Comments:
Hello again Yvonne. Well, it seems you’ve actually been listening to my suggestions, or at least I’d like to think so. This is a huge improvement in quality over the last few recordings. As usual, you song is straight from the heart, true and real. My one musical suggestion would make it a bit more commercial and appealing to a wider audience. I hope you know I’m on your team and will continue to assist in any way I can. Keep up the good work! Average Score
January ’07 Fresh Start Contest
Congratulations to Yvonne Perkins !
The members have made their choice and the winning song is:
Yvonne Perkins won:
• $250 cold hard cash!
• Winning song and artist featured on Broadjam
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• Featured spot in a Broadjam Newsletter
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This could be YOU! Check out other contests and opportunities on Broadjam.
Chicago native Mrs. Yvonne Perkins recently received the honor of being named Finalist, by the Song of the Year (http://www.songoftheyear.com/ ) songwriting contest. Song of the Year is an international songwriting contest supporting VH-1’s Save the Music Foundation. The Song of the Year judges are some of the biggest names in music including many Grammy Award winners. In May 2006 her song “The Master’s Hand” was selected as Runner Up song of the Month for May.
Song of the Year is excited to recognize Yvonne Perkins for her exceptional songwriting ability for the song” Don’t Wreck The Train”. Mrs. Yvonne Perkins competed against songwriters from all over the world for this honor. When asked what inspired the song Yvonne commented that this song is a Tribute to her pastor Apostle Richard D. Henton (Monument of Faith Church in Chicago, Illinois) and his testimony that he has shared with his congregation down through the years.
Currently Yvonne is concentrating on her songwriting career while hoping to break forth in film, TV, movies licensing. In January 2008 Yvonne was nominated as Worship Artist of the year in the Momentum Awards which is the Indies version of the Stellar Awards. Her songs are available to recording artists and she recently signed mechanical license for 5 of her songs with two different recording artists. In October 2007 American/s New Artist Music signed her to a publishing contract for 3 of her songs. She has been recognized often for her talents and state that she is careful to give all the Glory to God for the gift he has given to her.
You can find more information about and listen to songs by Yvonne Perkins at www.forhisgloryyp.com
READ ENTIRE REVIEW AT www.insidecx.com/reviews/sonic/sonic2.html.
The "Ultimate Multi-Tasker" is flexing her muscles, blurring the definite barriers designating each genre respectfully. "Good Morning Jehovah" would raise many hands in the Baptist church with an R&B beat to boot a soulful voice. While religiously charged, this song has the potential to become a mainstream household name.
Chaning gears, "It Shall Not Always Be Like This" incorporate a down south country sound behind her positive message. Yvonne Perkins is only steps from success. - INSIDE CONNECTION
IndieHeaven’s Momentum Awards
CHICAGO, IL, January 2, 2008 – IndieHeaven.com, the leading organization supporting Independent artists in Christian music, is pleased to announce that YVONNE PERKINS has been nominated as "WORSHIP ARTIST OF THE YEAR” in the 3rd annual "Momentum Awards". This prestigious award will be handed out at the upcoming IndieHeaven CIA Summit2008 conference March 29, 2008.
IndieHeaven founder and CIA Summit director Keith Mohr states, "It's important to recognize and applaud the efforts made in recent years by artists who are independent. By providing them the recognition they have earned, we hope to increase their platform and awareness. There are many independent artists who are doing an incredible job with their music and most importantly their mission. We look forward to the awards being a part of our annual artist’s conference." Visit www.ciasummit.com for more information about the Christian Independent Alliance Summit.
Mrs. Yvonne Perkins has consistently demonstrated her ability to write music in a variety of styles to reach the vast majority of people everywhere. Her message is consistent worship and praise is the sound that terrifies the enemy. There is a universality to her lyrics that makes her songs identifiable to every person. Her songs resonate with anointing that is guaranteed to inspire, uplift and motivate the listener. It is no wonder that Mrs. Perkins name is cropping up all over the place. Yvonne states that she is a songwriter not a singer and she continuously look for recording artists to record her songs. She has won several song contests and we are sure recording artists will be calling on her creativity as they prepare to embark on their next projects.
To register your vote for YVONNE PERKINS as the WORSHIP ARTISTS OF THE YEAR in this year’s Momentum awards, please visit {http://www.indieheaven.com/momentum_awards.php}
MakeaStar.com: Welcome to the finals. Did you ever think you would get this far?
Yvonne Perkins: I always believe that it was not if but when it would happen. This is the sixth time I have been selected as a Sweet Sixteen Finalist. Please don’t think that I am being braggadocios but I am making a faith declaration.
MAS: What do you think it is about your song “Victory Dance” that it has gotten into the finals?
YP: Often in our lives we face disappointments, dreams that are delayed and what seems to be missed opportunities and I believe that Victory Dance speaks to the heart of many and cause hope to come alive in their heart. People need hope.
MAS: Have you been getting any e-mail from Fans? The Industry?
YP: Yes, in fact it was a fan that alerted me that the contest had actually started. The song had already made it to the 2nd quarter and the fan email me that they really loved the song.
MAS: What is the response to your song and your sound in general?
YP: It has been very positive. People have email me to say how their lives were touched by this song and that makes me very grateful to God. My music is meant to inspire and uplift the lives of those that hear it.
MAS: What do you think about MakeaStar.com's Industry review service?
YP: I absolutely love how each component of the song is broken down and so thoroughly reviewed. I take those reviews seriously and to heart as a way of improving my ability to write well constructed songs. I realized that although God has given me the talent to write it is a gift that has to be perfected.
MAS: What about the equal voting power being given to Fans and the Industry in the contests?
YP: I think it is unique and important aspect of the voting. It is good to know not just what the Industry view is but also that of the everyday man. It is a good balance.
MAS: Was getting into the contest your primary goal or were you more interested in the industry review?
YP: My primary goal is the review process itself. I am serious about songwriting and really want to be the best that I can be. Getting into the contest is a fringe benefit that is very much appreciated.
MAS: How did you develop your sound? Is there a primary songwriter? Is it collaborative?
YP: My writing is truly by inspiration. I write lyrics but I always have a melody in mind for the songs. I have written songs in the Traditional, Country, Southern Gospel, Praise and Worship style. I find that the recording studio I use also influenced the sound of the music. I have used Gifted Productions, Leonard Mercury Productions and Nashville Song Service. Nashville Song Service produced the demo for this song, Victory Dance. However, the “true sound” of my music is the sound of praise and worship being used as spiritual weapons.
MAS: Any influences you care to mention? What have other people compared you to?
YP: I’m influenced by any individual who not only understands the power of praise and worship but has the ability to usher others to that place. I love the music of Shirley Caesar, Yolanda Adams, Juanita Bynum, Martha Munizzi, and Donnie Mc Clurkin. I would love to write for them.
MAS: What do you think may set you apart from other Artists in your genre?
YP: I am passionate and determine to write music that will uplift, motivate, inspire and spread the Gospel of Jesus love by any means necessary.
MAS: It’s obvious that your recorded material is great, how about the your shows?
YP: I’m a songwriter looking for recording artists to record my songs and/or publishers to work with me. My songs are on many websites and doing very well on the charts. I generally have 3-6 songs listed in the Top Ten, Top 100 of the charts. At one point, I had 6 songs to place in the Top 10 at www.broadjam.com. I have had 7 songs to place in the Top 100 songs at www.industryresource.com. On 12-24-05 Victory Dance was the #1 song on the Pop Contemporary Christian Chart at www.soundclick.com. On 1-1-06 I have 13 songs on the Top 50 Christian chart and 3 on the Top 25 Gospel chart at www.Artistopia.com my rank is #15 out of the Top 100 Artists at that site.
MAS: Are you playing anywhere anytime soon?
YP: No
MAS: Have you released your music already? If so how, where and when? If not, do you plan to in the near future?
YP: The demo version of my songs are available at www.broadjam.com, www.indietunes.com, www.indieheaven.com, I hear that demo tapes are becoming popular. Two of my songs (Good Morning Jehovah and It Shall Not Always Be) are available as ringtones at www.indietonezone.com. Both of these songs were selected as Sweet Sixteen Finalist. My song “Good Morning Jehovah” was selected for the Midem conference by Johnny Rock and is listed in the Midem catalogue.
MAS: Where would you like to see your music take you?
YP: I believe that I am one of the best yet to be discovered songwriters and I will write for the top recording artists again, I do not say this braggadocios but as a declaration of my faith.
MAS: How realistic is that goal in terms of the immediate future?
YP: Very realistic, thanks to the new world of internet. The internet provides resources, contacts and unheard of opportunities with the industry that WOULD NOT otherwise be possible. A site like yours www.MakeaStar.com opens up the floodgates for opportunities for the unknown to showcase their gifts and talents. The internet has given me access and made it possible for my songs to be heard literally over the world. My songs are being streamed in Europe www.crossrhythms.com, in Celtic at www.celticradio.com; www.wwswa.com, www.christianbands.co.uk www.cybroradio.com, internet radio www.indiegospelradio.com, 365 live internet radio www.newgospelhorizon.com. www.musicoven.com streams my songs into restaurants and shopping mall. The Internet is a whole new baby that is yet in it infancy with untold possibilities for the future.
MAS: What one band would you like to follow in the footsteps of down the road to success?
YP: I want to travel the road of Fred Hammond, Hezekiah Walker, Smokie Norful, John P Kee, Valerie Boyd, Kirk Franklin just to name a few and many others great gospel songwriters.
1. What kind of Childhood did you have?
My childhood was average and happy. I was born in Greenwood, Mississippi then my family moved to Chicago when I was about 5 years old. Every summer my family and other family members (Several of my relatives had also moved to Chicago) would travel back home. We always had an enjoyable time. My family was not well off but they taught us to appreciate what little we had and to take care of it. Both of my parents were hard workers and knew how to make ends meet.
2. What is your family background like?
Do your family members all believe in Christ also? I am very grateful that I was raised in a two parent home with my brothers and sister. I am the oldest of four children. Recently, another brother has entered our family. My mother taught me how to love God and how to pray. Every Friday a group of believers would gather at our house to pray in the living room. My mother would call on each of her children to pray but more often than not she would call on me. I can still hear her saying “Pray Yvonne” We had to pray out aloud. To this day even when I’m praying alone I pray out loud. All of my family members believe in Christ but unfortunately at this time they all are not serving him. I continue to believe God to save my immediate (husband, sons and grandchildren) and extended family members.
3. Were you Christian before being a songwriter? Or vice versa?
I accepted Christ in my life as a young teenager unfortunately my fellowship with God was broken at age 21. I have always written poems and I wrote a couple of songs while my fellowship with God was broken. I was in my 40’s when my fellowship was restored. On 1-16-00 during a service at my church (Monument of Faith where the pastor is Apostle Richard D. Henton in Chicago) my pastor laid hands on me and spoke these words into my life. He said “you feel like you have lost so much time and that God will not use you but eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered into your heart, the things that God is going to do through you”. I will never forget that service and the sermon he preached “What you need is a breath of fresh air” because on that night I received a refilling of the Holy Spirit. When I went home that night I wrote my first gospel song “Holy” because my soul was overwhelmed at the mercy and holiness of God.
4. What are your thoughts on the state of the world these days?
We have seen some of the worst tragedies of our times and yet those tragedies have brought out the best in us. 911, Katrina, Tsunami, the New Orleans flood these were terrible things but the vast majority of humanity rose to the challenge by reaching out and embracing humanity. Spiritually, American particularly and the world have been so blessed. Yet, we are so far from honoring God for his blessing. When I think of how one woman took away the privilege of prayer out of school, the fight to keep the Ten Commandments out of the court house, the push to take “God” out of the pledge of allegiance it is both a sad and frightening state. America was built on a foundation of honoring and believing God. Our schools were better, our government was better when America Bless God.
5. Where do you perform? I am a songwriter not a singer. I often say God has a sense of humor because my singing ability is very limited. The songs on the CD are all Demo. I don’t perform but I’m looking for recording artists who want songs of inspiration and hope, songs as my pastor would say “with a message for this mess-up age”
6. Do you have full albums out or just mp3s?
Thanks to the awesome opportunity that the internet provides I have my own website at www.forhisgloryyp.com . My music can be downloaded at several websites: for at little as 79 to 99 cents or $9.99 for an album. T Some of the sites are: www.indietunes.com, www.indieheaven.com; www.broadjam.com www.christinbands.co.uk www.indie911.com Two of my songs (It Shall Not Always Be and Good Morning Jehovah) are available as ringtones. There seem to be a lot of interest in demo tapes these days.
7. 27 years of marriage is certainly something to be proud of, how do you balance family, faith and music?
Actually, it is 29 years of marriage. I need to update some information on my bio. There was a time in my life when I tried to be the “superwoman” but that just didn’t work. I could not be everything to everybody and be everywhere. I came to the decision that I would do the very best I could and not feel guilty about what I could not do. I decided that I would put God first in every aspect of my life and trust him to bring balance into everything else.
8. What are some of your hopes for your music?
My vision is that recording artists will hear, and record my music. That this music will be heard around the world. That the songs would not only touch the hearts of the people but changed the lives. The intent of my songs is to uplift, inspire, motivate and encourage all that will hear and to spread the Gospel by lifting up the name of Jesus in a manner that brings glory to his awesome, magnificent name.
9. What are your thoughts on the music industry and how much involvement do you have in it?
These are times of tremendous change in the music industry. The internet is an infant with undiscovered potentials and has a great impact on the music industry. The internet is changing how music is produced, promoted and sold. Even the way press kits are presented is different thanks to the internet. I can send my press kit instantly from www.Sonicibids.com or www.Artistopia.com Someone like me would have slim to no chance of ever having their music heard and presented to the public in this manner. I’m always searching the internet to find any opportunities to present my music. I’m a member of ASCAP, Songwriter Guild, TAXI, Film and Music network. My songs are doing well on the charts and are generally in the Top 10, or Top 100 often with 3-6 songs in that category at www.theindustryresource. www.broadjam.com www.artistopia.com (my rank is #15 out of over 2500 artists on that site) www.soundclick.com , www.wwswa.com to name a few. My songs “Holy, It Shall Not Always Be Like this and Victory Dance have been #1 songs. On 1-3-06 my song Victory Dance was the winner of the Sweet Sixteen contest at www.makeastar.com .I was recently interviewed by Makeastar after winning the contest and that interview it is available at their site. My music is heard in Europe and on Celtic Radio at www.crossrhyths.com, www.celticradio.com, www.newgospelhorizon.com, www.indiegospelradio.com , www.musicoven.com www.cybroradio.com . Johnny Rock represented my song “Good Morning Jehovah” at the Midem just a couple of months ago www.johnnyrock.com . I entered as many song contests as I can. I have received positive reviews from Dale Kawashima( founder of Songwriter Universe) Chelsea Harmon (www.insidecx.com) Jay Hervey, Orphaneddie, Curtis Lowell (www.makeastar.com)
10. Do you ever struggle to keep your songs true to God’s word or does it come easy for you?
No, I do not struggle to keep my songs true to God’s word. I mediate daily on God’s word and often my songs come from that meditation. I make sure that the words in my song line up with the word of God.
11. Who are some Christian/Gospel singer/songwriters that have inspired you?
Shirley Caesar will always be a favorite, Honey “Delores” Sykes (of the Duncannaires and member of my church) Yolanda Adams, Juanita Bynum, the Winans, Hawkins family, Martha Munizzi, Israel, Snokie Norfolk, Donnie Mc Clurkin. The Brown’s sisters, Lemmie Battles., Calvin Bridges and so many more. I’m inspired by singers who are true to their calling and see what they do as a way to minister to the people. I’m impressed with singers who not only understand the power of praise and worship but know how to usher people into the presence of God. I would love to write for these singers.
Thank you for your time!
It was a pleasure, be blessed and may the favor of God surround you, your family and staff at Chicago Music.
- www.chicagomusicguide.com
Still working on that hot first release.

Mrs. Perkins has achieved global name recognition and is one of today's most established Gospel songwriters. She has an arsenal of industry credentials,prestigious awards and is recognized as one of the best in her field.
Mrs. Yvonne Perkins has had mentions by Billboard, Gospel Synergy Magazine, Song of the Year, Hollywood Music Awards, and her music is listed in the 2008 NBC database for the Beijing Olympics!. Mrs.Perkins has won and also placed semi-finalist and finalist several times over the years the Song of the Year award an international songwriting contest. Her music has been featured on several compilations CD's.
Yvonne Perkins is a Chicago native with a vast experience in writing and promoting gospel music in all genres. She currently has over two dozens original songs available to recording artists, tv/film/movies and plays.Her song "I Got Power" was included in the NBC data base for the Beijing Olympic Aug 2008. These songs resonate with anointing and are sure to touch hearts and change lives as they inspire believers and non believers alike to examine their relationship with God. Mrs. Perkins has demonstrated the awesome ability to write in many different styles i.e. Gospel, contemporary, country etc and in a way that has universal appeal to all listeners. All of the songs are masterfully produced demo showcasing her songwriting abilities. Mrs. Perkins is a songwriter not a singer and acknowledges the dynamic talents of the many demo singers on the demos with special Kudos to Ms. Brandie Nelson who outstanding voice is heard on many of the demo and also is an upcoming and arising recording artist Talented producers i.e Walter Jones (Gifted Productions) NSS, Kenneth Taylor (Good Shepherd Prod). All of her songs are available to recording artists, TV/film, plays etc. She has received much recognition and these are just a few of her accomplishments.
4-18 During the month of April consistently had 1 or more songs on Top Ten list on broadjam.com
4-18 During the month of April consistently had 1 or more songs on Top 100 list numberone.com
1-4-14 My Worship Is My Warfare recorded by Faye Mosby
1-14 Walk In The Rain recorded by Michael Stewart
12-13 Recording Artist Arnetta Yancey "Where Do They Go? released as her single.
5-12 "You Must Forgive" semi-finalist Song Of The Year
10-29-11 recipient of Excellent in Christan Music Award
9-11 song "I Don't Know recorded by artists Trish Standley on Redemption CD
Week of 3-14-11 featured on www.songwritersvantage.com.
7-10 songs "It Takes Faith and Shut Your Mouth Satan selected as finalist in Hottest New Artist contest.
7-10-09 "Where Do They Go" Honorable Mention 16th Billboard
4-14-09 "Where Do they Go?" Street Team Urban Series Vol 2
3-2-09 "Can You Use This Vessel?" Top 10 Broadjam.Com
2-09 "We Give You Glory" February winner Song Of The Year
2-09 "The Altar Call" The Soundcheck Vol 1 Compilation
1-09 "Just A Little Faith" winner January Spiritual Song of the Month at Broadjam.Com
1-29-09 "We Give You Glory" semi-finalist Mike Pinder's Songwars Songwriting Competition
10-08 "Don't Wreck The Train" Music To Live By ( Roo Records)
(Where Do They Go? semi-finalist
My Worship Is My Warfare - semi-finalist
Don't Wreck The Train - semi-finalist
We Give You Glory - FINALIST)
7-1-2008 Where Do They Go? nominated for Hollywood Music Awards
4-08 "I GOT THE POWER" included in NBC's music catalogue for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing (Aug 8 - 24).
11-30-07 Spotlight Interview on www.fbccradio.com with Stacey J.
10-2-07 signed publishing contract with America's New Artist Music for three songs (Victory Dance, My Eyes Wait and What Do You See)
9-8-07 Featured Storytelling Songwriter on the Narrative Music home site.
6-18-07 "VICTORY DANCE" was selected out of over 600 submissions to be included on the 2007 Indie Music For Life compilation CD that will raise money for cancer research
6-1-07 Featured on Front Page of Gospel Synergy Magazine
6-1-07 "Don't Surrender" selected for Music for Troops Support the Arts being distributed to Troops at USA Airbases Overseas
6-07 "God Want to Be Loved" Top Ten at www.br
Band Members