Chapel Hill, NC | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | INDIE
YOUNG NA$DAK is originally from North Carolina however by living in New York City pursuing his love for music and fashion he quickly got exposed to a lot of strong connections in the fashion and music industry. In case your wondering what NA$DAK stands for. It stands for investing everything you got into what you love to do and getting great results. He graduated from N C A& T in Greensboro, NC with a B.S. Degree in Finance. NA$DAK is definitely a brand and a lifestyle. In high school NA$DAK was selling mix tapes and clothes out the trunk of his car to keep from having to get that job in fast food. His words were "why make a $120 a week when I can make $800 a weekend flipping mix tapes and clothes out my trunk". Living in New York City DJ Whiteowl gave him the first look from him submitting songs to DJ Whiteowl to be featured on highly demanded mixtapes. After a few features NA$DAK took the career to another level and began recording in HD a getting that industry sound to push out really industry quality records. Since then NA$DAK is moving towards meet n greets and soon a tour. The influence and inspirations comes from the West Coast. The West Coast flavor plays a heavy influence on a lot on the tracks that NA$DAK produces. They all have this bounce and they are lyrically based around a thug passion lifestyle. If you take a look at the arsenal of records you can get something with an R&B vibe and a Hip Hop vibe. Get with movement and be apart of the lifestyle of NA$DAK.
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