Baltimore, Maryland, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2009 | INDIE
The Year's Most Exceptional Music Projects
Nominated In The 16th annual Independent Music Awards
Reeve Carney, Harriet, Death Valley High, Eh440, Jane Siberry, Jackknife Stiletto, Dan Zanes, Fiona Joy, Next To None, Taylor Grey, Esprit d’Air, Wordsmith, Rozina Pátkai, Karim Baggili, Air Traffic Controller, Ganda Boys, Amiss O.mega (featuring Snoop Dogg) and The Bankesters
Among The 16th IMA Nominees - Independent Music Awards
A Baltimore hip-hop artist brings his rhymes to Strathmore in Bethesda, Maryland. Through hip-hop and classical music, Wordsmith uses his talents to bring a unique musical mash-up. - NBC 4 Washington
Classical music institutions routinely get charged with being stuck in ruts, overly focused on repeating old repertoire over and over, skittish about stretching boundaries. The latest Baltimore Symphony Orchestra program, full of rapping and pounding, practically shouts, “What ruts? What boundaries?” - The Baltimore Sun
Marin Alsop, the BSO’s music director, brings the piece into the 21st century by collaborating with Baltimore hip-hop artist Wordsmith.
The rapper and entrepreneur makes music from a place of purpose, working to offer audiences a strong motivational message free from profanity and geared toward listeners of all ages. His style and his intended meaning are a spot-on complement to “Carnival of the Animals.”
Rounding out the program, the symphony turns to two crowd favorites–Debussy’s “La Mer” and Ravel’s “La Valse.”
By mixing French classics with modern American musical masters like Glass and Wordsmith, “It’s one of the best programs I’ve seen at the BSO,” Wyman said. - Culture Spot
Baltimore musician Wordsmith had a banner year in 2017, and he shows no signs of slowing down for 2018. In July, he released his new album, Perspective Jukebox, which features the single “The Statement.” In the coming days, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra will also feature his hip-hop narration for Camille Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of Animals. - Hollywood Soapbox
Join BSO musicians for an animal-themed program featuring visuals by MICA students. Enjoy the beauty of The Butterfly Lovers’ Violin Concerto, and experience Carnival of the Animals like never before with family friendly hip-hop narration by Baltimore’s own Wordsmith. - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Marin Alsop brings Carnival of the Animals into the 21st century with Baltimore hip-hop artist, Wordsmith. Baltimore native Philip Glass creates rhythmic power with his Concerto in the hands of Principal Timpanists James Wyman of the BSO and Jauvon Gilliam of the National Symphony Orchestra. - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Baltimore's own Wordsmith joins us in the studio for a performance. He's an emcee that spreads messages with a purpose. - Fox45 Baltimore
"We Do it Better" is the Official Theme Song for WWE Superstar Bianca Belair! - WWE
At the Morgan State University Sound Off Live! Stage (Mount Royal Avenue near Lafayette), check out Wordsmith (Saturday 2-3 p.m.), a rapper and musician who will perform with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra next season, and Super City (Sunday, 1-2 p.m.) a indie quintet made up of Towson University grads. - Gabriella Souza
This dude does not get the recognition he deserves, but he has definitely been putting his fair share of work in. Whether or not you follow Wordsmith, you’ll notice here that he has been all about finding peace and centering himself recently. This new project helps translate all of that energy into something extraordinary, as he reminds us ‘to follow through with the promises we make to family and friends’, on the album’s lead single, “The Promise”. - Jamsphere
This rap artist isn’t what you would find all over the radio. His raps are not filled with drugs, sex, and foul language. His songs are substantial and about things most people deal with from time to time - Skope Magazine
Nu Revolution Entertainment LLC. has been selected for the 2017 Best of Baltimore Award in the Musician category by the Baltimore Award Program.
Each year, the Baltimore Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Baltimore area a great place to live, work and play.
Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2017 Baltimore Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the Baltimore Award Program and data provided by third parties. - Best of Baltimore Awards
Outstanding Achievement In Songwriting Hip Hop/R&B Category - Great American Song Contest
Will Smith don’t gotta cuss in his rap to sell records. And neither does Wordsmith. - The Observer
A new hip-hop narration for Saint-Saens' "Carnival of the Animals" and a salute to revered choreographer George Balanchine — with help from one of his prized dancers — are some of the ways the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra plans to embrace various genres during its 2017-2018 season. - Baltimore Sun
We’re thrilled to kick off 2017 with another installment of our monthly Five To Watch presented by JBL Professional. This month, we’ve selected five artists that not only have a great month ahead, but likely a great year, as well. All of these artists have tremendous potential, and you can get introduced to all of them here... - Breaking & Entering Milwaukee/JBL
Electric Trouble + Glass Hopper + El Squad combined forces to perform a dope routine at the Red Bull BC One 2016 World Finals.
Wordsmiths "On My Job" is featured at the 2:30 mark! - Red Bull Music
The U.S. Embassy’s American Cultural Center in Namibia this week hosted public concerts by American hip hop group Wordsmith under “The American Music Abroad Program”, focusing on anti-bullying and gender-based violence. - Windhoek Express
Under the theme 'The Power of Self Love', Wordsmith and Uncle GEP will deliver live music and messages to address the issue of gender-based violence (GBV). The group is also expected to give interactive master classes to Namibian art students and other local artists at Swakopmund and at the College of the Arts in Windhoek. - Staff Reporter
Since Hive began, music artist Wordsmith has been popping up almost every week on our weekly Top Artist playlist. So, I decided to learn more about him. This past week, Hive had the opportunity to catch up with Wordsmith. We had a great discussion about his musical career and his purpose. It’s truly a great story — go check it out below. - HIVE Music App
October 18th - November 18th, 2016:
In cooperation with the U.S. Department of State, American Voices will arrange a series of month-long, multi-country cultural exchange programs including public concerts, interactive performances with local traditional musicians, lecture demonstrations, workshops, jam sessions and media interviews and performances. These tours will focus on younger and underserved audiences in over 40 countries around the world with little or no access to live American musical performances. American Music Abroad ensembles are currently expected to travel in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America and Eastern Europe. - AMA Tour
As part of The Baltimore Sun's Fall Arts Guide, reporters and critics picked 10 up-and-comers whose names you should get to know. See the full list here. Wordsmith, 36, rapper When Wordsmith, the Mount Vernon-based artist born Anthony Parker, began writing rhymes, they were filled with four-letter... - Baltimore Sun Newspaper
Ask yourself “Do all the songs I hear on the radio sound the same?” Really think about it. Baltimore Rapper Wordsmith thinks that today’s radio music, especially hip-hop, sounds the same. So, he is hoping to inspire a change in the rap game that will eventually bring back that variety that he so fondly remembers. “I loved the competition of hip-hop which I feel doesn’t exist today…back then no one wanted to sound the same,” he confessed. - 1st Amendment Media
“He began his career with the mindset of a student learning the “business” of rap. He started his own music label, NU Revolution Entertainment, making a name for himself as an independent artist and learning meticulously how to run the business, while creating hip-hop and rap beats that have a new sound and feel, like music of the future. His extensive list of licensed music earned him the ASCAPLUS Award from his PRO Society four years in a row. With his Conscious-Commercial Hip-Hop music, Wordsmith has honed his craft as a master rapper, while creating an uplifting message about his love for the city of Baltimore and more. Yet, the love he has for his community extends beyond his music.” - DC Spotlight Newspaper
The Fresh Friday Show is a weekly mixshow produced by 2 guys from San Diego's 95.7 KISS FM. FFS consists of Dennis Blaze, the DJ and Beto Perez, the host. The mixshow highlights new music, artist interviews, current hits, rare B-side cuts, and throwbacks . - 95.7 Kiss FM
Where you come from doesn't have to determine where you end up.
Disengaged from the workforce and school system, three young adults—Michael, Ryan, and Summer—take a life-changing road trip to discover their potential.
As the three travel the country together in Roadtrip Nation’s green RV, they'll meet self-made individuals who’ve been in their shoes—individuals who will show them it’s possible to not only rise above adversity, but to harness it for success.
Wordsmith provides the soundtrack to this amazing documentary! - Roadtrip Nation
Soccer culture and the game itself are energetic, vibrant, and exciting. At the heart of this are the fans. Today’s fans have the opportunity to define the culture and identify of the future of the sport. KICK is pushing the soccer agenda at home and abroad through daily content and editorial that celebrates and empowers fans of the beautiful game.
This is our game. Now is our time.
Wordsmith's "Happy Hour The Universal Blackout" provides the soundtrack to this Promo Ad! - Kick
I chatted with Wordsmith about his career and Light City Baltimore - Baltimore Media Blog
Though many artists speak of coming up independently and making a name for themselves, few can say that they have done it and done it well. There is one man who can, however, and that is Maryland’s Wordsmith.
Founder of the entertainment company New Revolution, Wordsmith is a lyrically talented, community conscious hip hop artist who takes pride in keeping his songs clean and impacting society in a positive and uplifting way.
Whether it be through performing tours for American troops stationed overseas, or heading into schools to speak out against bullying, Wordsmith is breaking down barriers and changing the community mind frame regarding hip hop one meaningful track at a time. - Niji Magazine
The Light City festival will feature a 1.5-mile BGE waterfront art walk, 29 large-scale light art works, 50 concerts and 100 performances over the course of a week beginning March 28 – and that’s just at night. - Baltimore WatchDog
Baltimore gets ready to turn on the lights in a brand new festival next year. - CBS News Baltimore WJZ
Review Fix chats with hip-hop artist Wordsmith who discusses his new single, “Gems of Wisdom” as well as his future in the Hip-Hop game. A rare beacon of uber-positive energy in the genre, Wordsmith is a natural storyteller with plenty of charisma. - ReviewFix.com
“Treat the music business like you're studying for a final exam. I don't know too many people who would take a test blindly without preparation yet I see so many artists do that with music.” - RapIndustry.com
Vents Magazine interview Baltimore, MD songwriter and performer Wordsmith - Vents Magazine
The collision of Music and Sports has always been a natural fit. Whether its getting you hype before a game or providing the soundtrack to your favorite team. These artists have all lent their talents to some of ESPN and NFL Network's most popular shows and sporting events. - EchoMusic/Reverbnation
Wordsmith is an Indie artist in full control of his musical career. The emcee from Baltimore looks to represent his city on national and
international stages alike... - BWD Magazine
Check out this month's Featured Artists from the ReverbNation homepage and give their songs a spin. - Reverbnation.com
Jeff and Anne, two close friends and co-workers, are embarrassingly unlucky at love. They hatch a plan to transform themselves over the course of a sex-and-alcohol-fueled summer.
Wordsmith's "Emergency Funk Broadcast" is featured in Slow Learners. - 9.14 Pictures BBCG Films
Where is he now? Wordsmith has had a slew of unique experiences, including a 19-day tour in Djibouti, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, and Bahrain to play for US forces stationed there this past April. He has also had great success in licensing his songs to major corporations, the most recent being "On My Job" for the NFL Network. - Katarina Underwood/Sonicbids.com
We documented the whole journey with our #UnifiedRelay campaign and now we’ve got a round-up of some of our favorite shots from the tour. We also spoke with two ReverbNation Artists, Wordsmith and Erin Kelly, about their experience at the #UnifiedRelay. Take a look through the photos below and see what these artists had to say about the #UnifiedRelay experience! - Reverbnation
“Not a lot of artists truly embrace being a role model, I love it and I am willing to help bring a positive word, message and vibe. I know my purpose and I am living my dream.” —Wordsmith
If the riots taught us anything, it’s that the city needs new leadership and a younger voice that relates to what the younger generation is going through and can speak their language.
“These kids are really looking for something that really speaks to them and not forced fed to them like today’s music. My music, my words are about positivity [with] a message of hope and dreams. We need to let people know it’s okay to dream [and not allow] anyone tell you, you can’t,” said Wordsmith. - The Baltimore Times
Anyone who's ever even thought about becoming a professional musician has had to face the fact that it's just not that easy. It takes hard work, natural talent, and a whole lot of determination. Add raising kids as a single parent to the mix, and suddenly a dream of becoming a professional musician seems pretty daunting. But Baltimore-based artist Wordsmith isn't like most other hip-hop artists. He's got a career moving full steam ahead, on top of raising two boys--and making music they can be proud of.
"You don't have to be a fan of hip-hop to like my music," he said. "You just need to have an open mind and allow me to open your eyes to a different brand of urban culture."
Wordsmith prides himself on making hip-hop that's free of profanity, filled instead with positive messages and influences from a wide variety of music genres. And from the wild success of his Indiegogo campaign, his style is a welcome change in the industry. (At the time of this writing, his Indiegogo has raised almost 900% of its original goal!)
So who is Wordsmith, besides a dedicated dad, hip-hop artist and crazy-good fundraiser?
"I consider myself a free spirited, purpose driven musician seeking to inspire others through the messages in my music," Wordsmith said. "I have to thank my upbringing for helping me have a wide respect for numerous cultures. My dad served in the army for almost 30 years. Born in Germany, I have dual citizenship and lived in over seven different states during my childhood; this gave me a universal mind frame when creating music." - Route One Apparel
HOLLIDAYSBURG is a coming-of-age comedy about finding love, and the thrilling first moments of adulthood. When high school friends reunite over their first holiday break during college, they discover just how much they have changed while their town of Hollidaysburg has stayed the same. Within hours of his return, former prom king Scott (Tobin Mitnick) is dumped by his miserable girlfriend, discovers his parents have sold his childhood home, and has to prepare to say goodbye to Hollidaysburg forever. Meanwhile Scott's friend and quasi "kid sister" Tori (Rachel Keller) is in agony after spending unending hours with her embarrassing family. But when Scott and Tori reunite, an unlikely romance blossoms. (C) Starz
Hollidaysburg features Wordsmith's "Happy Hour The Universal Blackout". - Starz Network
Veteran Baltimore rapper Wordsmith has crowd-funded his next album on the site IndieGoGo.com. Having successfully reached his original goal, he is still accepting donations until April 24 to further fund future recordings, music videos, and tours with his backing band, The Big Band Theory. Wordsmith’s latest EP, “Apt. 507,” was released earlier this month. During late April and early May, Wordsmith and his band will be traveling to countries including Kuwait, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to support and entertain our troops with Armed Forces Entertainment. For more information on how to donate and what rewards are available for donating, go to: indiegogo.com/projects/my-purpose-my-dream - Baltimore City Paper
At the 7:27 mark Wordsmith's "Grudges & Growing Pains" is featured.
Cordell Broadus is a high school football player who has it all: size, speed, strength and a natural ability to "straight ball". The junior wide receiver is one of the most sought after recruits in the Nation. Schools from Notre Dame to USC to even Harvard have made offers. He's an honors student with a thousand watt smile, seemingly made for stardom. He knows the limelight well, as the son of an entertainment icon...Snoop Dogg. Football is more than a game to Snoop. It represents a dream. The streets robbed Snoop of a football scholarship to a major university. - ESPN
Rack ’em up and get ready to hustle as the king of pool games comes to PS4™, packed with exciting new features. Compete in 1-on-1 matches and multiplayer tournaments to rise up the online league. Hone your pocketing skills through 4 levels of challenging career mode games.
Wordsmith's "When in Doubt Give it Your Best" is featured in the Hustle Kings commercial. - Sony Playstation
Europe's rowdiest skate contest returned to Stvanice Island, Prague in big form, with an awesome street skating event and a session with pool skating legends. The 2014 Mystic SK8 Cup celebrated it's 20th anniversary in style, featuring some of the best skating seen in contest history.
Red Bull's Street Skating at the Mystic Sk8 Cup Features Wordsmith's "We Do It Better" - Redbull
Redbull's holds a King of the Rocks Slam Dunk competition each year and once a winner is named they release a highlight video of the top dunks. This year "We Do it Better" off Wordsmith's "King Noah" album is the soundtrack to several viscous slams rounded up over the duration of the competition.
Redbull's King of the Rocks Best Slam Dunks Features Wordsmith's "We Do It Better" - RedBull
Here's a list of songs from performers featured on ESPN’s "Numbers Never Lie," along with links to the artist’s websites and links for you to download and buy the songs and/or albums. - ESPN
Wordsmith is playful and didactic, with a bold, open-hearted rapping voice, and a deep-rooted humanistic vision of Christianity. The Blue Collar Recital’s rhymes are compact, meter-obsessed observations and confessions, and his content comes from regular-guy experiences like watching in horror news reports about the Sandy Hook shooting (“When Your Faith Is Tested”) or the communal importance of getting drunk after work (“Happy Hour The Universal Blackout”). - Baltimore City Paper
This is perhaps the first hip hop concept album I’ve ever heard—each song is supposed to represent a moment in the day in the life a blue-collar American worker, from “It’s 5am Smell The Roses,” to “Traffic Jammin.” Rapping about working hard for not enough pay (“Living Life Check to Check”) and hustlin’ through an unfair world (“When Your Faith is Tested”), the relatability through lyrics is the foundation of The Blue Collar Recital. - Slug Magazine
Welcome to “The Intro,” a new show by iMoveiLive Online Music Magazine. The concept is to introduce music lovers to fast raising talent outside of our typical Pittsburgh, PA focus area. On this episode we speak with Wordsmtih a hiphop artist out of Baltimore, MD - iMove iLive
When he’s not booking shows, the single father of two is making his music heard, not through the radio but through song licensing. “I would urge all independent artists like myself to really look into that because, I’ll be honest, that’s where I make the bulk load of my money,” Wordsmith says. - HipHopdx.com
Words that come to mind for 2016 are enlightening, humbling and full of purpose. I didn’t release an album in 2016 as I spent most of the year touring domestically/internationally. The word preparation comes to mind in regards to 2017 as I look forward to releasing my new album “Perspective Jukebox” on July 21st. - All Access Music
On a chilly Friday night in Baltimore, guests packed local clothing boutique, PEDX. Some were looking at the unique line of clothing products the store carries, and some were purchasing merchandise. Some were listening to the deejay’s unique mix of Notorious BIG and other old school hip hop artists, and some were conversing about hip hop in general. Surprisingly, this was the end of an album release party — local emcee Wordsmith’s album release party for his latest release Blue Collar Recital. - Mic Life Magazine
Talented rapper/emcee Wordsmith has released yet another album called “The Blue Collar Recital” which features songs for almost any relatable concept or situation in everyday life. From struggling with money, police encounters, and motivational quotes to even the simplest things like what to do on your lunch break, the Blue Collar Recital album has everything to help you conquer any day to day obstacle. - Endee Online Magazine
Since listening to the “The Blue Collar Recital,” by Baltimore’s own Wordsmith I have been trying to put together a review that would give this stand out album the justice it deserves. This album is not great because of the lyrics, the metaphors, the flow and or the beat selections. This album is great because the album actually has a meaning, a concept, a message that a majority of Americans and people around the world could relate to. - iMove iLive
I don't feel like a lot of artists today care to put messages in their music', Wordsmith told us with the release of his first album. 'So I would like to fill in the gap’. He's right. The crisis is hitting an average household harder than ever. A working man works his knuckles to the bone. But pays more bills than ever. It should be worth a topic for a rap album right? Unfortunately, not a lot of rappers spend more than five bars on it. Is it too far from their backyard? Is it because the crisis would bore the hell out of the listener? Not sure. The Baltimore rapper shows it's possible with his sophomore solo release though. For one; he translates the crisis to a concrete situation, namely the daily life of a blue collar. Secondly, Wordsmith has the talent to wrap his messages in attractive, radio-friendly tunes. The backbone of his music is a mixture of catchy hooks, eerie arrangements and 'live' instrumentation. - Platform 8470
Wordsmith's last album was a refreshingly positive rap album inspired by the birth of his son Kingston. He's been moving further in that direction for a while now, progressively getting closer to the kind of unitarian love exhibited by rap singers like Michael Franti. "The Blue Collar Recital" is no exception to that rule. There are plenty of things in the world that anger him, frustrated him or upset him in this world, but as "When Your Faith Is Tested" illustrates, he's even able to find meaning in senseless tragedies like the Newtown massacre: - Rap Reviews
Wordsmith releases the tracklisting for for forthcoming "The Blue Collar Recital" album. The 11-song concept album focuses on the day in the life of a blue collar worker. - HipHopdx
Quiet as kept, Wordsmith's 2012 album King Noah was one of the few potent albums not released on a major label. Word is back singing blue collar blues on his latest, The Blue Collar Recital, an 11-song concept album worthy of multiple spins. As the lead single signifies, the album tracks the journey of a man who's "Living Life Check to Check."
Guests: Sean Toure, Notoriety, Cherri, Paul Rivers Bailey
Release Date: September 17, 2013 - About.com
The only way to survive in the vast sea of awful lyricists and self defined rappers is summarized by one word: Evolution... - PaperCut Magazine
ShockWave-So we hear you’re about to release a new album, can you tell us a little more about it?
Wordsmith-The album is called "King Noah", short for my son Kingston Noah Parker. I created this project as a musical blueprint for my infant son; something he can go back and listen to over the years. It’s a very catchy project with an eclectic beat selection that really symbolizes the different sounds I acquired by growing up around the world. I can't even say it’s a Hip-Hop album; it’s more just good music with deep messages. - Shockwave Magazine
Wordsmith is a very skilled rapper. He has a nice flow, an aggressive delivery, introspective subject matter, solid lyricism and raps over pretty good production for the most part. He reminds me a little bit of a young Talib Kweli, and definitely could develop a solid underground hip-hop following, but tracks like “Never Be the Same” and “On My Job” even show flashes of mainstream potential. The posse cut, “Generation X,” for instance, features a pretty memorable hook as well as a pretty dope verse from fellow Maryland emcee Substantial. - Okayplayer
Outside the confines of Baltimore, Wordsmith isn’t necessarily a household name. Like most independent artists in hip-hop, he does what he can musically while balancing reality (family, children jobs, etc.) In an era where releasing an album is definitely taking a financial risk, he’s been able to carve out a name for himself and create a successful niche by licensing music for television shows, commercials, and video games. On his new album, King Noah, he is hoping to show his talents off to a more musically appreciative audience looking for some music to bob their heads to.... - HipHop Authority
To be continued via the link - Performer Magazine
In the vein of hip-hop greats like Gang Starr and Talib Kweli, Wordsmith is an MC with a social message to deliver. A breathe of fresh air in these days where most hip hop lyrics celebrate material excess, Wordsmith’s endeavor to promote social values is commendable. - MP3.com
‘I don't feel like a lot of artists today care to put messages in their music’, Wordsmith claims. ‘So I would like to fill in the gap’. In 2009, Wordsmith - don’t confuse with Wordsworth- already filled a gap along with Chubb Rock on the album ‘Bridging The Gap’. That gap was old and new school rap. In 2012, the Baltimore rapper and single father turned his third release ‘King Noah’, into a guideline for his son with words of wisdom and experiences explained… - Platform 8470
Baltimore rapper Wordsmith is another talented emcee in a long line of musicians who make rap that hits your soul by way of the cerebrum, combining stylized vocals with hard-hitting hip-hop to deliver an album you could either place next to your Arrested Development and KRS-One LP's or between Frank Herbert's Dune and Yamamoto Tsunetomo's Hagakure in the philosophy section of your personal library. - Jasen T. Davis
King Noah
NU Revolution Entertainment
Street: 06.19
Wordsmith = Eric B. & Rakim + Big L
The hardest things to combine in music are spirituality and hip hop, but Wordsmith has done it on King Noah, garnering major respect for his vision and narrative. The LP is a tribute to his young son, “his blueprint layout for life.” Wordsmith spits an emotional intro to every track. Dancing vocally on every bar, his infamous skill shines as he takes us on this life journey. The beats are rose colored, the vibe that of hope and positivity. Speaking of our hungry age on ”Generation X,” it seems as though he is pursuing the most important conversation of his life (he completely is) and that, my friends, is straight powerful. This hip-hop lullaby is well worth a listen, even if you’re out of the cradle and way beyond being saved. –Meera Masud - Slug Magazine
ONCE UPON A TIME, rappers like Baltimore MC Wordsmith—labeled indie, conscious, or backpacker—dotted the mainstream hip-hop landscape like conscientious objectors, avoiding the violence, self-hate, and misogyny upon which so many radio MCs built their empires. Mos Def, Talib Kweli, Common, and the Roots even busted through on occasion, reminding their hit-making brothers that another world was possible. But these days, conscious MCs have either dulled their creative swords to reach broader audiences or faded into the woodwork. Enter King Noah, the fourth LP from Wordsmith, a creative explosion in the form of a musical treatise to newborn son Kingston Noah. Released the week of Father’s Day, the album includes lessons about ambition (“On My Job”), exploring the world (“Globetrotters”), and letting go of hate (“Grudges and Growing Pains”), all backed by up-tempo, often piano-driven tracks produced by the likes of Centric, Benny Rome, and DJ Eclipse. When Wordsmith, vocally a dead ringer for Kweli, raps earnest double-time rhymes like, “Only peace and love can be the centerpiece/ Then at least we show the world that life can be sweet” on the title track, those weaned on Waka Flocka Flame and Curren$y mixtapes are tempted to dismiss him as corny—especially when it veers to the evangelical—but the deep personal passion and vocal dexterity are hard to deny. The MC, who owns his label, isn’t likely to see the broad breakthrough he hopes for, at least lyrically (“This is a revolution in music right now/ All that garbage that’s out there is about to be abolished”), but, like artistic standard-bearers in every generation, he’s keeping the torch alight so someone, someday might. And, in the meantime, Kingston Noah has a hell of an audio blueprint to live by.
Wordsmith has his CD release party at sonar june 22. Doors open at 8 p.m. $15, $10 Advance. - Baltimore City Paper
Vents Magazine Interviews Wordsmith! - Vents Magazine
This is a storyteller concerned with other things than violence and degrading women. There’s varied guitar moments, there’s a lot of narration, but mostly there’s a continued commitment to an aesthetic that ties the whole thing together. - Pop Matters
This album is literally a dedication to Wordsmith's recently born song Kingston Noah, with an intro before the title track explaining that numerological coincidences abounded when he was brought forth on the Earth. Even without those coincidences, any father will tell you that bringing a son or daughter into the world is a life changing event, putting all of your priorities into a totally different focus. It hasn't changed Wordsmith's focus on being a musician though - it just enhanced it. Wordsmith is already an unconventional emcee who purposefully decided to ignore modern day trends, "Bridging the Gap" to days gone by to record an album with hip-hop legend Chubb Rock. There's nothing nihilistic or excessively indulgent about Wordsmith - he's all about the "Essence of Life": - Rap Reviews
It's not just about Hip Hop; it's a movement. - Icon vs Icon
Wordsmith isn’t your average, everyday rapper. With a college-level business education, he has an understanding of the inner workings of the music industry. Building on this experience, he has been able to establish licensing deals with entertainment companies like Nintendo and CBS while establishing his own label. However, one should not understate the lyrical ability that got him there. First gaining recognition with Chubb Rock on Bridging the Gap, Wordsmith has continued to gain critical acclaim throughout the hip hop community for his creative wordplay and uncommon content, which is evident on his latest album. - Black Grooves
Appealing to your compassion and tenderness, Wordsmith titled King Noah after his son, Kingston Noah. How ki-yooot. The single-poppa designed King Noah as a life blueprint for his kidlet to help him navigate issues like race, envy, politics and allathat. If you like Skinnyman, if you like Shad, if you like the thinking emcee, then this album is right up your zone. - About.com
- Perspective Jukebox (2017)
- Apt. 507 (2015)
- The Blue Collar Recital (2013)
- King Noah (2012)
- Vintage Experience (2010)
- Bridging the Gap w/ Chubb Rock (2009)

Baltimore-based rapper, musician and entrepreneur Wordsmith makes hip-hop with a strong motivational message. His mission is to entertain and educate through a message of purpose while providing clean, quality, marketable Music for the Masses.
Earning a full athletic scholarship to play football at Morgan State University it was his transfer to Salisbury University that shifted his focus to entertainment. Finishing with a Bachelor's Degree in Theater Arts Wordsmith combines his love of Music and Theater into highly expressive performances. Free of profanity, full of message driven content and fun for all ages Wordsmith’s music is relatable to all ages!
In early 2018 Wordsmith partnered with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra to provide original Hip Hop narration for “Carnival of the Animals”. While landing hosting duties for the yearly BSO Gala with special guest Cynthia Erivo. Soon followed a nomination and win for Best Rap/Hip Album for Perspective Jukebox at the 16th Independent Music Awards and a feature interview with NBC 4 Washington Journalist Barbara Harrison. Closing out the year Wordsmith embarked on an Arts Envoy tour to Baku, Azerbaijan to spread his message of purpose. In 2019 Wordsmith will be teaching in Haiti, Angola, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Belarus!
Wordsmith's contributions as a musician, teacher and philanthropist have taken him on tours to Azerbaijan, Africa, Israel, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and more. Partnerships with The State Department, Baltimore City Hall, Keller Williams Realty, Open Door Baltimore and Project Plase have allowed Wordsmith to fulfill his love for helping the inner city youth and the homeless equally.
Band Members