Boca Raton, FL | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
Cry Of War – The Von
This track was released last Friday, ahead of their album release in November, and if there’s more tracks to come like this then we’re in for a treat! The sound hits you immediately: with emphatic drums, chugging bass and guitars and aggressive vocals, it remind me of when I first heard Guns N’ Roses. Yet the processing on the guitars definitely gives them the distinctive sound of a modern-day band. The emphatic backing vocals behind the distinctive lead in the chorus is so catchy it will be stuck in your head for days. Find the track at https://soundcloud.com/thevon4u/cryofwar and stay tuned for the album review next month. - uKnighted
The Von – “Nothing To Fear” – Single Review
I think I’d be insane not to like this new single from The Von! This two-piece is kicking all the ass for me this morning with this extremely clever song, their new single “Nothing To Fear.” Based in South Florida, these two highly enthusiastic musicians are currently getting set for the release of their debut full-length album called Ei8ht coming up this year and if this new single and video to go with it are any indication at all we are going to all be in for one hell of a time.
Like a good chef – The Von is serving up the goods in several ways. From their Soundcloud page you can get your hands on the new single as well as three separate remixes of “Nothing To Fear” and as you already see below, you got it – they’ve made a video to support it.
Some of you out there have worked with me before on videos through the work we do online at sleepingbagstudios…some of you have even approached me for lyric-videos. 99% of the time unless a specific purpose is clearly stated, I’m the first person to say no to a lyric video in favour of something based in crazy moving colours or live action instead. For myself, I think I’ve seen about maybe two lyric-videos in my lifetime that I thought managed to capture the spirit of the band as well as the mood of the song; it’s a complete and utter rarity.
So believe me when I say it – the new lyric-video for “Nothing To Fear” supporting the latest single for The Von is probably the best I’ve personally seen. Knowing the painstaking process required to make a truly effective lyric-video…I can’t even begin to explain the amount of work I know has been done to make these words come alive like they do. The idea is completely genius…I love it through and through; it’s completely one-shot against one entirely-too-awesome background and the directorial idea of keeping the visuals moving through just the musicians alone was a perfect call.
When you look at how simple and effective this idea truly is you’re going to be upset that you didn’t think of it first. Now look down at your shoes, kick some dirt and admit to yourself you’ll probably attempt to copy this one day down the road…but again…realize you more than likely CAN’T pull it off like these two are and presumably a third incredible video-editing personality somewhere behind a screen (or seven). Put it to you this way…it’s tough enough to make a lyric-video work to begin with; but it might be nearly impossible to have music translated this effectively time after time…this is as right as right can get for a video and if I was The Von I’d be shouting out that production team behind the video because that is one job so massively well done that a musician might see this kind of perfection but once in a career. If it’s something they bought for their career, it’s the best money they’ve spent since buying their instruments – if it’s something they’ve put together themselves…then world I am telling you we will not be ready for The Von as they continue forward…they’ll be kicking too much ass. Not even remotely kidding – have a look at this video for “Nothing To Fear” for yourself and see what it means to get a song, lyric-video and idea brought to life in completely cohesive rock bliss.
I’ll say it the best way I know how…if I could make lyric-videos this effective, I’d make a whole bunch more of them. Hell – I’d suggest it as the first and primary option.
So…how about as a song itself? This combination of Luis (Vocals, Bass) and Marek (Guitars) works really damn well…like…SO WELL. If you rock fans can resist the opening shredding, screeching guitar sounds that open this tune up alongside the pounding, deep-beats of the drums…then go run to your car and pull out your Kenny G. records for a moment and just be honest with yourself about the music you really like. NO rock-fan could resist the initial pull into this song…that’s everything I want to hear right away!
The real question for The Von, is did they write themselves out of a solid chorus? Don’t get me WRONG – it WORKS…but if you were to ask me, the real hook of this song comes through the verse itself. Some people take issue with this kind of songwriting…I personally think it can be refreshing. The chorus itself doesn’t take the energy down at all, but it might have been impossible to take it further than the incredible verse throughout this song, know what I mean? I think they did really well, especially in the last run-through at the end which really DOES bring up the energy past the vibrant vibe of the verse as it rips full speed towards the end.
Drums are fantastic…looks like Marek supplying the HUGE beat as far as the video goes (lol – watch!) and the guitar/bass are just perfection in this track as well. Vocally, I dig Luis a lot…though the first time out I got stuck more on the slight sound of his accent than I was paying attention to his highly inventive and creative delivery. This guy sings with a TON of passion and confidence & really leads the way through those incredible verses with style, energy and genuine love for this music shining through his performance.
BIG fan of The Von…and again…I know I’d be insane not to want to hear more after seeing this video and hearing their first massive single “Nothing To Fear.”
I’m taking the educated guess that once you have a listen & look for yourselves…you’ll feel exactly the same way that I do.
Support The Von at their official page at: http://thevon4u.com/
Check them out at Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/TheVon4U - sleepingbagstudios
Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?
We have been very busy with our plans to promote our new album titled “ei8ht” which will be out November 20th. It will be available digitally worldwide and later in a couple of months we plan to release a very nice Vinyl and cassette editions.
Can you tell us more about the story behind your track ¨Nothing To Fear¨?
Nothing to fear is quite very interesting song. The song itself went through several musical transformations but the lyric content did not change. Nothing to fear is a song about self empowerment, the belief that only you and only you have the power to change your path in this life and it is you who is the pinnacle of creation in the universe . The verses carry a narrative in which we are referring to the human race as a whole. “You’re the most beautiful creature God Created” for example is directly speaking about us humans in this planet.
But it really comes down to what everyone feels it means to them.
We have a video on our Youtube Channel in which we explain the meaning behind thesong, check it out: https://youtu.be/4OFrTl_fDLo
Did any event in particular inspire the song?
All of our songs in our upcoming new album “ei8ht” are directly inspired by events in our lives or what we observe in this world.
“The Machine” for example is a purely political song denouncing our conformism with a system that has enslaved us and that keeps us subdued with meaningless hopes.
“Atomic Sun and Love Supreme” are the result of having my first child and discovering a whole new form of true love that I had never anticipated one could experience.
“Nothing To Fear and Cry of War” are songs of self determination and conquering your goals, dreams and desires.
“Let it Out” is a song that directly hits the core of this band, we believe in spirituality and we take part in Ayahuasca ceremonies. Something we take with profound respect. Let it Out is a narrative of what an Ayahuasca experience is.
Finally, “Don’t Forget About Us” and “ei8ht” deal with death and reincarnation, positive and negative, loss and gain.
How was the film experience?
Ahhh! filming videos is fun and hard work. Nothing to Fear has 2 videos the Lyric video and Official video.
The lyric video was entirely shot by Marek and me, entirely self made, done in one continuous shot and later added kinetic typography animation. By the time we shot the official video Elisa had joined the band. we learned a lot from the official video shoot particularly in dealing with people external to the band. We like both videos but the lyric video does shows us how we are naturally, the official video is more scripted.
The single comes off your new EP Ei8ht – what’s the story behind the title?
The name of the album is highly spiritual and esoteric. The number 8 has always been very powerful in human history. We felt the name of this album way before it was finished. Aside from the obvious number of songs in it the album, the music created for this album travels and touches many of these spiritual beliefs associated with the meaning of the number 8 in spiritualism and esoteric history. We are not writing music to jump on the bandwagon with the rest, we are writing music that we feel inside and reflects who we are as individuals and as a band.
Listen to the exclusive private stream here: https://soundcloud.com/thevon4u/sets/ei8ht-private-playlist/s-b8gEd
How was the recording and writing process?
The recording process was arduous, we found and further improved an existing studio and we recorded ourselves without the aid of an outsider. We took the whole DIY to its most extreme limits with OCD attention to detail from the fabric in our walls to the signal path going from and to the recording desk and all the outboard gear etc. The album was recorded produced and engineered all by us, with me manning the recording desk , explaining it all could be a whole MIX magazine 4 page article!
The writing process was easier, these songs had been played out many times but we took time to really disassemble them and tweak them before we even started recording.
Control room during the recording sessions
So the rest of the songs deal with relationships going wrong and that sort of topics?
No, none of the songs deal with relationships in the traditional sense, It might at first listen sound like that but is far very far from the man woman thing if at all.
Any plans to hit the road?
We are shooting for a spring tour next year and later european tour , want us in your town? Hit us up in social media! let’s talk.
What else is happening next in THE VON´s world?
We are focusing growing youtube channel audience in 2016 ( youtube.com/c/TheVon ) – subscribe please!
We also keep writing new material and we are currently working on a project to convert a blue bird 72+ seater school bus into a mobile stage/tour bus which we also plan to have it serve schools across the USA and help charities. We want this bus to be of help kids in need and also help us get across the country. Sponsors welcome! - ventsmagazine
Where are you from?
We live in South Florida, USA, but we are from different countries. Luis is from Venezuela, Marek from Czech Republic and Elisa from USA.
Who else is in your band?
Luis (vocals/bass), Marek(guitar/synths) & Elisa(Drums)
How would you describe yourselves and your music?
We are a power dynamo of indie/electro/rock synergy. We are vegans/vegetarians, we believe in world peace and compassion, we believe that combining love, perseverance and a plan can give anyone everything they desire in this world.
Who are your main influences musically?
We have no specific bands really that come to mind as foundations for what we do. What influence us is more music styles and in The Von it goes from jazz to EDM to death metal to flamenco, meditation music, etc. When music is good, is good no matter the genre and we are always very open minded. But out of this melting pot of crazy styles each of us enjoys listening to own our own we always keep it rock n roll for our songs. It would be really interesting to hear what people say who we sound like to them.
What do you hope to achieve in music?
We want to reach into people’s hearts and bring them something to enjoy, to connect with. We work hard to become of the top premier rock acts in history and ultimately leave a legacy. A legacy that anyone can listen to years later and still sound good and relevant. We know that achieving this goals will give us a sustainable musical career and ultimately have the thing we love them most provide for us till the end of our lives.
What has been the highlight of your career so far, and why?
It may sounds relatively simple, but the major highlights of our career have been so far events where we had contributed something to the public. Another thing is the whole work behind the new album which will be released this month which we are very proud of.
And what’s the moment you want to forget?
Even the worse moments define you as an individual and as a band, they are essential for growth, they become you in lessons and experiences learned, so forgetting a bad moment is forgetting wisdom gained.
If you had to pick just one of your songs to represent your music, what would it be and why?
The one song that has not been conceived yet. We look to always keep being creative and proud of what we can achieve. Perhaps once we have conquered the world and put out a good six albums we can come back and give this question another shot.
Where can we listen to your music?
Where can we find out more about your music?
Anything else you’d like to say about your music that I forgot to ask?
All we have to say is just listen to our latest single “Cry Of War” is out and be on the lookout for our upcoming debut album on November 13. We will take to into a new journey. - realsoundsok
THE VON offer up an intense record with their debut release Ei8ht. The trio who hail from South Florida, provide an eager and unique take at hard rock, making them accessible to the masses. The heavy instrumentation that flows throughout the record will enlighten and indulge your ears, even if you aren’t necessarily a fan of the genre. Somehow, THE VON will convert you.
Lead single “Nothing to Fear,” breathes life into the upcoming record, with hazy guitar work and prominent and hazy vocals. Made up of vocalist/bassist Luis Bonilla, guitarist Marek Schneider and drummer Elisa Seda, the trio has taken a new approach to the classic genre. Intricate instrumentation flows throughout each piece, with harmonious vocals that intertwine with stunning guitar solos.
The band’s songwriting ability formed over a bond of their favorite, influential bands, which are honored on this record. Their energetic brand of rock is prominent on standout track “Atomic Sun,” and the sonically alluring “Don’t Forget About Us,” which act as nice leaders of the record. Standout track “Cry of War,” add a stellar dose of prominent harmonies and screaming guitars, which bring out their love of classic rock influences.
Ei8ht was skillfully produced by Bonilla and mastered by Grammy Award winning engineer, Carlos “El Loco” Bedoya. Throughout the span of the album the band digs deep into their musical influences and upbringing, combining their diverse culture, ideology and living life without fear. Even the music itself can be seen as a risk; putting your thoughts, skills and talent on the line…but THE VON prove they are seasoned champs in the game of Rock n’ Roll.
Bonilla’s voice is brilliant, as it works closely with the music to create a strong and captivating sound. The musicianship of the band shines through every piece in the record, leaving you with a familiar yet unique experience. It certainly shows that their heart and soul pours into this record. If you aren’t a hard rock lover, do yourself a favor – take a risk and give a listen to THE VON’s Ei8ht; it will not disappoint. - musicexistence
Nothing To Fear - Single (2015)
Cry Of War - Single (2015)
Ei8ht - Album (2015)
3nity - EP (2016)

THE VON is an American Indie/Electro/Rock band from South Florida formed in 2012 by vocalist/bassist Luis Bonilla and guitarist Marek Schneider. For much of their career, the band has been a trio with drummer Elisa Seda, who replaced their former drummer after the recording of the band’s upcoming album (2015). All three members came together and formed a bond by talking about their favorite rock n’ roll legends; bands that are now big influences in their music. These passions are at the forefront of what the band brings to the crowd with their energy which is nothing short of contagious; they are not just a band but an experience.
In 2015, they will release a brand new album entitled, Ei8ht. The album digs deeper into musical influences and infusing of their diverse cultures, yoga ideology, and overarching themes of living life fearlessly. Ei8ht was produced by Bonilla and mixed and mastered by Grammy Award winning engineer, Carlos “El Loco” Bedoya. By the beginning of 2015, THE VON released their first single Nothing to Fear, soon to be followed by other single and releases this year. Currently, the band is performing intensely throughout South Florida and working on a National and European Tours in 2016.
Band Members