The OddEven
Baltimore, Maryland, 21666, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2019 | INDIE
Q & A With The OddEven
XS ROCK: Tell me about the latest band news? Any new projects coming out, live shows, or announcements?
New record “Space Juice” arrived on earth on 4.20.20. We had hoped to follow that up with a bunch of live shows, but they all had to be canceled or rescheduled because of the pandemic. We shifted some shows from April and May to the fall… we have a group of shows in Florida in late September and we are doing festival shows in Jersey and Maryland (if they go off). Who knew when we started recording that the world would be upside down when the record was done?!?
XS ROCK: So how long has the band been together?
Almost one year – The OddEven’s first show was 7/27/19 with Faster Pussycat and Bang Tango. We have had 6 drummers since then believe it or not for various reasons (from depression/substance abuse to family matters), but we are locked in now with K.Flinn.
XS ROCK: What was your main motivation for originally starting or being in a band?
Being on stage and having a good time. I love the creative element too – writing songs, etc., but that came second on the timeline because I could always jump around on stage, but becoming a songwriter took some time.
XS ROCK: What is your music background?
My brother played guitar, so that partially got me into playing and being in a band. When I first got into hard rock / heavy metal as a kid, all of the heavy hitters influenced me – I really thought Nikki Sixx from the Crue was super cool so that got me moved over to bass early on. I took lessons for a few months, but I didn’t really get a ton out of it. I learned how to play mainly by ear and repetition. I have a 2-year degree in music from a DC-area community college… at the time, I thought it would help me understand what I was doing musically, and I guess it did to some extent. I have played in bands from pretty much all contemporary styles of music before coming back to hard rock a few years ago.
XS ROCK: What image do you think your music conveys?
Alien abduction music. If I was getting zapped up by a beam of alien light and taken onto a spaceship, I would hope The OddEven was playing loudly as the soundtrack to the event somehow
Q & A With The OddEvenXS ROCK: What are your current music career goals?
Get someone to financially back the band – I think that is really important in getting the band to the next level. Also playing overseas. All of the band members have played around the U.S. many times… we would love to branch out and play in Japan and Europe.
XS ROCK: Which do you prefer? Writing new songs and recording or playing for a live audience?
Two totally different things… I got into music to play live originally, and it still is great, but there is nothing quite like coming up with a cool idea, and seeing it grow and change from idea to band collaboration to recording and onto a record. Something magical about both, but more personal writing and recording.
XS ROCK: What are your songs’ lyrics about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
This record is about standing up for yourself and not taking shit from anyone or anything whether it be a bad relationship, work situation, substance addiction. Get up, and fight against the negative shit in your life
XS ROCK: What is the single most important thing to you as a musician?
I would like to think that what I do brings some sense of joy and a distraction to the daily grind. Maybe someone was having a shit day at school/work or they just broke up with their significant other… I hope that people are able to let some of that go by jamming to some of The OddEven stuff in a recorded or live environment. I am a pretty social person, so I got into music in part to connect with others, share stories, make new friends, share music, etc. If that stuff brings people happiness, then mission accomplished!
XS ROCK: Do you have any outrageous tour stories from the road? If so, please fill us in.
I personally have plenty from other bands I was in, but for this band, the craziest so far was how we spent the first 4 months changing drummers before almost every show for various reasons. You would look back on stage and be like “who is that behind the drums today?!?” It definitely made things intense at times. One drummer wound up in the hospital the day before we were hitting the road for 4 shows in LA, MS, FL, and GA with Soulfly and Nonpoint on the bills. We got to the band house to load out and then had to make a quick to decision on a course of action when we found out we were drummer-less. Our soundman said he could play drums, so we decided to roll with it as opposed to canceling. He basically learned the set on the way to the first show. It was nerve-racking at times, but as they say, “the show must go on!”
XS ROCK: What’s the strangest request that you’ve ever received from one of your fans?
A girl wanted us to make a line of alien-themed sex toy merch. While that might be a little weird, that idea is still on the table actually – lol!!!
XS ROCK: Are your friends and family supportive of your choice to play in a rock band?
Yes – always have been. (…well – my X wasn’t, and that is why she is my X today)
XS ROCK: What advice do you have for new bands trying to get started?
Be true to yourself in all situations. Remember it is ok to work hard, but this has to be fun, or else it will show through. If people in the band aren’t on the same page, then work to fix that, or get new people. Don’t waste time in a bad environment
XS ROCK: What are your favorite tracks to play live?
Probably “Again” and “Fire in the Sky” (so far)
XS ROCK: Which band or artist inspired you to perform? Why?
Motley Crue and/or Kiss. I used to love the make-up and the cool live shows as a kid. You got so much more than just a musical experience at their concerts
XS ROCK: If you could design a dream tour for your band, who would be on the bill?
Top of my head: Led Zep, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Guns-n-Roses, The OddEven… now that I think about it, can we extend that list to 25 bands?!?
XS ROCK: What do you consider your greatest accomplishment so far?
Getting the first record done. That is always a big step for a band… with the second record being even bigger
XS ROCK: If you weren’t performing in a band what kind of career do you think you would have?
I think I told someone recently that I would be running a slushy stand.
XS ROCK: What type of equipment do you use for live shows?
Drive to a gig:
Two Gibson USA Thunderbird basses
Dark glass pedal + overdrive
Marshall 100 Watt Guitar Head (because I like to confuse sound engineers when they look for the bass rig)
1 or 2 Marshall bass cabinets depending on size of venue 2×10 + 1×15 in each cab
Clayton USA Guitar picks (our new sponsor)
If we fly to a gig:
Both Gibson basses
Dark Glass pedal + overdrive
Trace Elliott mini head
House bass speaker
XS ROCK: What do you think of the current music scene?
It really depends on where you go. Some cities are amazing… some not so much
XS ROCK: For anyone that doesn’t know you, what would they be surprised to know about you?
I was adopted. I decided to see what Ancestry DNA had to say about me a few years back, and I keep getting invalid human DNA results… leading me to believe I am probably part alien
XS ROCK: Is there anything that you’d like to promote or say to your fans out there?
We can’t wait to see everyone again… and to those, we have not met yet, can’t wait to meet you! Hopefully, the world gets back to normal soon and we can get back out there and rock! Cheers!
XS ROCK: Thanks again for taking the time to talk with us at XS ROCK! - XS Rock
Greetings Earthlings! I come in peace with a message of music from the faraway world of...Baltimore. Introducing the alien-themed foursome collectively known as The OddEven. So sit back, relax (there will be no butt probes. Well, not this time), and pull up a bowl of ‘Space Juice’, a 4-song compilation from The OddEven currently available on your Earthly digital platforms.
The first thing that popped into my (somewhat) human mind was how eerily similar these guys sound to the Layne Staley days of Alice In Chains, but kicked up a notch or two. I listened to Space Juice four times in a row to make sure my cranial circuits weren’t defective, but I just could not shake that ghost. It was as if the spirit of Layne was working through singer Rob Wise. There’s even a song on the collection called “Again” but it is in no way, shape or form a cover. Harmonies, scale progressions, and octave ranges are very reminiscent of A.I.C., yet not a rip-off. Quite the opposite. Guitarist E.T. (no, really) cranks up the riffs with a little extra flair that fits right into modern Rock. Bassist Weed stays in lock-step with the groove adding his own special je ne sais quoi to the album’s engine. Drummer K. Flinn jettisons the punch even farther into the stratosphere.
The OddEven's audio interpretation of rock is fresh but also warmly familiar at the same time. They convey the message of seeing through the illusions that are fed to us daily. We are encouraged to smarten up, cut through the crap, and don’t allow yourself to be a doormat. Stand up for what you believe in, just make sure you know what that is. I know reading those last few sentences appear aggressive and maybe hostile, but the music is so damn catchy it doesn’t come across that way when you listen. The OddEven rocks with a raw candor that evades so many over-commercialized bands these days. Space Juice is an all-too-brief cocktail that primes the pump for a (hopefully) longer ride with The OddEven. Until then, hop aboard and visit the fantastical world of OddEven. Just don’t forget your towel.
The new EP, Space Juice, arrived on Earth in late April 2020 and tour dates will follow throughout 2020 & 2021 when the world gets back to "normal." - Boston Rock Radio - JD Rich
According to a recent press release: “The OddEven (Baltimore, MD) was formed in June of 2019 and is comprised of seasoned touring musicians. The band quickly began writing new material while simultaneously booking opening slot road dates with established bands, such as Faster Pussycat, Bang Tango, Soulfly, Last In Line (Dio), and Nonpoint in VA, GA, and LA respectively. The band also headlined shows in FL, and MS, and showcased in Philly and NYC.” We get bassist Weed to discuss new music, influences, and much more…
1. Tell us a little about your latest release. What might a fan or listener not grab the first or second time they listen through? Are there any hidden nuggets you put in the material or that only diehard fans might find?
Space Juice is a 4 song release of upbeat melodic hard rock that sounds like it could have been released in the 90’s or 00’s decades. While it wasn’t really on purpose, we have never shied away from what we came up on, and so that is captured on our music. A hidden nugget? Hmmm… well, we really wanted to make the bass guitar dirty, so you will notice that we threw some distortion on in spots – it is easily noticed during the bass/drum first verse of “Bleed for Something” – not sure if that is hidden, but something different.
2. What got you into music, and can you tell us about the moment you realized you wanted to be a musician?
My younger brother was playing guitar, and a bunch of guys I raced BMX with nationally were all into hard rock/heavy metal, so I started getting into it. I was always plugging in my brother’s guitar, turning his amp up to 10, and just playing badly at top volume along with Van Halen, Mötley Crüe, etc. I did it enough that he wanted me off the guitar, so my parents rented me one. Only when I got to the store, I chose a bass because it looked cooler (and Nikki Sixx played four strings), so that is really what I started on and have pretty much stayed with bass in most bands I have been in. My first band consisted of x-BMX racers.
3. Building on that, is there a specific song, album, performer, or live show that guided your musical taste?
Nothing specific. I mean it has changed a lot over the years… Van Halen to Led Zep to Kiss to Black Sabbath to Mötley Crüe to Ozzy to Guns and Roses to Metallica to Slayer Janes Addiction to Red Hot Chili Peppers to Rage Against the Machine to Nirvana to AIC to STP to Soundgarden to Fuel to Saliva to Nonpoint to Puddle of Mudd… and then you can add in The Brothers Johnson to Bob Marley to Prince. It is all over the place. Mötley Crüe probably gave me the final push to pick up an instrument. I wanted to play every song on Shout at the Devil.
4. Who would be your main five musical influences?
Hard to limit to 5 – but if we are keeping it on the hard rock/metal side, maybe these 5: Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, and Rage Against the Machine… but ask me tomorrow and I will have a different 5!
5. If you could call in any one collaborator to do a song with, who would it be, and why?
Someone that was well established, and I knew the song we made would be a hit. I will never shy away from being popular and making $… especially at this early stage of The OddEven. Getting the band name out there is paramount, and if a we get there through a collaboration with an already famous musician, let’s do it. Dave Grohl maybe?
6. How would you describe your music to someone who’d never listened to you before? What is the one comparison a reviewer or fan has made that made you cringe or you disagreed with?
I think my earlier comment says it best “upbeat melodic hard rock that sounds like it could have been released in the 90’s or 00’s decades”. To date, most reviews have been incredibly positive, so we haven’t had to deal with negative press. Some people may think that the Alice in Chains comparison is negative I guess, but if someone wants to compare my band to one of my favorites of all time, please go for it… more than okay with that comparison.
7. When your band is hanging out together, who cooks, who gets the drinks in, and who is first to crack out the acoustic guitars for a singalong?
No one has cooked yet, but my roadie Nate and I seem to pick the restaurants we eat at often on the road. We need an endorsement from one of the “breastaurants” – lol!!! I am usually first to suggest a beer and a shot, while my singer Robb usually has a more refined liquor beverage plan. We all play guitar, so anyone of us could be breaking out a guitar at any time for new song ideas or just to cover something cool for a singalong.
8. When was the last time you were starstruck and who was it?
That doesn’t happen often, but a few months back we played with Last in Line (original Dio members). That was really cool – always fun to share the stage with some of your heroes coming up. All super nice guys, and great to hang out with after the show.
9. What is the best part of being a musician? If you could no longer be a musician for whatever reason, what would be your dream job?
If I was forced to choose, I would probably say playing live. That is why I started playing – to get up on stage. I am not sure what I would do if I wasn’t a musician… own a slushi stand maybe? Flip houses? Something non-corporate.
10. What is one question you have always wanted an interviewer to ask – and what is the answer? Conversely, what question are you tired of answering?
“Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?” (and the answer is “no”). While it is relevant to the times we live in, I guess I am sick of “what have you guys been doing during the pandemic”… not the interviewer’s fault for asking, I just want the whole thing to be over so we can get back to business as usual.
11. Looking back over your career, is there a single moment or situation you feel was a misstep or you would like to have a “do over,” even if it didn’t change your current situation?
Yeah… multiple times where I got into bands with guys that didn’t have the same drive or energy that I have. There are tons of musicians that are great players, but they are very happy being the “big fish in the little pond”. I never wanted to settle, but in retrospect I did a few times. I want whatever project I am involved in to go to the top. If we give it our all and don’t quite reach our goals, then so be it, but too many times I have been in really talented bands where there were what I call “anchors” that prevent you from reaching the top for various reasons. Stay away from these people kids!!!
12. If you could magically go back in time and be a part of the recording sessions for any one record in history, which would you choose – and what does that record mean to you?
Maybe the first Rage Against the Machine record. When I put that on for the first time, that was one of the those “oh shit… what do we have here?!?” moments. Energy, aggression, protest/fight the power, hard rock/metal, funk, rap, etc. – all wrapped in one. Amazing record. - 100PercentRock Magazine
Song: Bleed For Something
Overall Impression:
The OddEven delivers a sound straight from the Hard Rock playbook, but with a sense of originality that puts them in a league of their own! Bleed For Something, the second track from their 2020 EP, Space Juice, is full of the refined grit and growl that permeated the twenty-oughts, delivering a high-octane auditory experience that masterfully blends classic vocal tones, monolithic instrumentals, and immensely skilled, adrenaline-fueled guitar work.
Strongest Point(s):
The OddEven has a fully cohesive sound - nothing feels left out of the mix and every part contributes to the effect of the whole. The guitar solo work is incredible, expertly executed and well placed in the song structure. As far as lead vocals go, this is top notch stuff - the tones achieved here, with and without filtering and effects, fit the sound perfectly! Shout out to the rhythm section for holding it down with consistency, and huge nod to the mixing/mastering engineer for giving Bleed For Something that larger-than-life wall of sound that makes it hit so hard. Killer work!
Target Audience Appeal:
Those who remember the original titans of hard rock will adore the work that The OddEven is putting out, and Bleed For Something carries an authenticity about it that makes it highly accessible and immersive. The overall effect of Bleed For Something stands to resonate with a wide audience, and listeners are sure to respond to the skill and passion that The OddEven displays! Thanks for the submission! - Jon W.
Artist target suggestions:
Godsmack, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Audioslave, Shinedown, Stone Sour, Seether, Nickelback, Saliva, Crossfade, Alter Bridge
About the Reviewer:
Jon Wright is a classically trained multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, and music educator with nearly twenty years of experience in the field. Working with musicians and their individual sounds is his passion and profession, and he strives to interact with and understand every aspect of the production process - from theory and songwriting to recording and mastering. He continues to teach students of all ages and is currently collaborating with artists in a wide variety of genres.
Vocals: Strength
Lyrics: Strength
Instrumental Performance/Execution: Strength
Melody/Rhythm: Strength
Arrangement/Flow: Strength
Recording Quality/Overall Mix: Strength - RadioAirplay.com
...really cool! I like the vocalist's tone. -
(Acoustic songs) remind me of Staind. Like the acoustic/killed it. Travis Meeks (Days of the New sound) - Chris and Aimee Kurtz
...dedication is key. Good vocals, A&R material here -
These guys show versatility - dig the vocals! -
Space Juice - released 04.20.20 - Harmony Row Entertainment
"Again" (single) - #30 Billboard Mainstream Rock Chart, #13 Foundations Rock Chart (September 2020)
"Bleed for Something" (Single) - #30 Billboard Mainstream Rock Chart, #13 Foundations
Dance of the Dead - release 09.21.21 - Pavement Entertainment
"Dance of the Dead" (Single) - #20 Billboard, #8 Foundations (November 2021)
Darkness - release January 5, 2024 - Eclipse Records

The OddEven are an alternative metal band known for riff-oriented hard rock with a massive groove and hypnotic kick that will spin you around on your barstool and get you to your feet in a jam-packed arena. Similar to the way that Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci said their inspiration came from somewhere beyond earth, Weed (bass) and E.T. (guitar) write the songs as if harnessing the power of divine intervention. Grant Walker handles the vocals with brilliant expertise, and Jim Chaney works his magic on drums.
As for the origin story, we have the legal obligation here at Eclipse to inform our listening audience that the two founding members of The OddEven are, in fact, infamous secrets that the government has been hiding for years in reference to Hangar #3 on the grounds of Area 51. Originally, Weed and E.T. were found inside pressurized sleeping chambers in a strange pod-shaped craft that had crash landed near an opal mine in the south Nevada desert. The two aliens were composed of a crystallite substance with silver colored blood pulsing through semi-transparent veins. Weed was configured in the shape of a man-sized king cobra and E.T. resembled a mammoth two-headed scorpion. There were odd shaped medallions piled at the foot of each enclosure and odd-looking string instruments in the side compartments, indicating that the strange beings were both leaders of some alien warrior class as well as musicians, and they woke and communicated with each other, sounding vaguely like grunge guitars with someone twisting the tuning pegs. The two were then quickly transported to “Hangar #3” and caged in glass observation booths next to the bone saws, dissection scalpels, power drills, and rinse basins. On three nearby operating tables were the blood-spattered heads of other aliens stuck on trophy spikes and in sheet pans, and the next morning, January 1st, 2019, officers discovered that the new prisoners had vanished.
Rumor has it that overnight the two outworlders broke containment and discovered the robotics lab, where they pilfered capsules containing nanobot technology that they used to redevelop themselves in human form, learning the history of earth’s rock and roll, every album ever made, every stream, every single, every YouTube video, review, and social media post. The mapping-ware was self-learning, and in seconds they were writing their own new chapter, developing their own sounds and souls, new musical journeys, and “post-prison-break” they reasoned that separation was the best tactic to cloak their strange presence in the new world. Slowly, they worked their way into new lives, into blissful forgetfulness, and it was only when Weed took a DNA test that he realized he had no DNA, that he had to wake up, and that he had to find E.T. to figure a way to deal with this broken and wonderful sea of humanity. It was not long before The OddEven were opening for Faster Pussycat, Bang Tango, Soulfly, Last in Line (Dio), and Nonpoint, plus headlining shows in FL, MS, New York City, and Philly. (Check out the tour page to see all past shows/venues played.)
The band’s first record, Space Juice, arrived on Earth on 4.20.20. It spawned two singles "Again" and "Bleed for Something" which each cracked Billboard's Mainstream Rock top 30 and Foundations top 15 charts. In early 2021, the band recorded "Dance of the Dead" and released it on 9.24.21 (Pavement Entertainment). Touring commenced in July 2021 in Florida with a couple of headlining shows plus opening for Slaughter and LA Guns. In September and October, The OddEven completed a thirty-city cross-country tour with Adema and Flaw, where Weed and E.T. became friends with Chris from Flaw and began discussions about working together on the next album. “Dance of the Dead” (title track) reached #8 on the Foundations and #20 on the Billboard radio charts in Nov. 2021.
Currently, The OddEven have signed with Eclipse Records in conjunction with completing their signature album titled, Darkness, the songs crafted with infectious vocals and harmonies, bass lines with bottom and boost, guitars that scream, cry, and sing, and drumming that is heartfelt, supreme. Darkness is not just a record, but more an experience where the late 90s and early 2000s came calling, the band answered the phone, and then reshaped the landscape with fresh musical superstructures. Prepare for liftoff. Prepare to be wowed. Darkness was released by Eclipse Records on January 5, 2024.
Look to the skies as the new album "Outtakes From Beyond" lands on earth soon!
Band Members