Sez Zion Jazz Band
Hamden, CT | Established. Jan 01, 1999 | SELF
This band has no press
Still working on that hot first release.

Sez ZionJazz Band was formed in 2001 out of Bridgeport, Connecticut .The band consists of a quartet of great musicians from all walks of life. Each member has their own unique style of play that has become a great asset to the band. Their expertise has catapulted the band to create a very sought after sound to being very well known on the East Coast. It all began with the desire to share and capture the essence of music through playing with great musicians having both the drive, desire and love for" Music” and then chemistry began to flow."
All compositions are original materials written by Sez Zion band members and then smoothed over by music director C. Lamont Williams. Though this is the main forte of Sez Zion, they have no problem remaking a classic into their own unique style of play. Each and every composition is made personal through Sez Zion’s passion, character and life experiences. Their music is created to fit the lives of people of all ages and all walks of life. Smooth piano sounds, heavy bass lines, and silky guitar chords accompanied by a rhythmic beat fills to uplift the heavy heart and ease the troubled mind.
Sez Zion’s brand of jazz has spread like wild fire! In high demand by many, Sez Zion is on the rise to great heights in the music industry. The band has played on numerous stages throughout the years. And was Also featured as one of the premiere bands for The Hartford Jazz Festival in 2017.
Sez Zion has made a great name for themselves locally and beyond and will only "keep moving forward",
Sez Zion has committed their gifts to delivering great music and helping people overcome life changes with a melody of music and the mind to know that life will have its obstacles but a little music goes a long, long way.
God Bless
Sez Zion
Cyril L. Williams (Keyboard, Founder of Sez Zion)
Born and raised in Bridgeport, Connecticut, C. Lamont Williams found a passion for music behind a drum set at the very young age of 3. After being given the task of church musician at the age of 9, he found and started to fine tune his true love of piano. He continued throughout his formal schooling to pursue areas of music and has stayed true to his craft. C. Lamont has become a very accomplished musician in all areas with hundreds of songs written and composed. On a continuous quest for greatness he is always pushing himself to do better. He continues to stay humble and teach as well as learn from others around him. C. Lamont is sought out by many for his "gift "and love for music and Christ.
Moncure Williams (Bass)
Born in Winston Salem, North Carolina, Moncure began playing music very early in his life. The most "seasoned" member of the band has been in the music industry for over 35 years. He has had the pleasure of playing with great artists and musicians throughout his musical career. To Sez Zion Moncures’ style and character is not only the foundation laying down smooth bass lines but the sound voice of experience behind the driving force of the band. Moncure plays with accuracy and allows the mood to be felt through his bass. His skill is simple but yet complicated knowing how to arrange his style to a song and capture the moment with grace and ease.
Kenny Blackwell (Guitar)
Born in Bridgeport , Connecticut,
Born In Bridgeport Ct, Kenny found way to pursue music through friendships and his drive for music.. He has a colorful history in funk, jazz and rock that has blended together to make a style that fits right into the smooth scene. His own take on what grooves the hardest and breathes an original life into his playing as well as his melodic leads. Kenny has the creativity to move you with his style and character and has been doing it for years. His love for music and his passion for playing speaks for itself.
Arguster James Jones (Drums)
Born in Waterbury, Connecticut, James started playing drums at the age of 2 and has been playing ever since. Throughout his musical career he has had the experience of playing for as well as recording with various artists. His accomplishments in this area have led to his endorsement by Soul Tone Cymbals. As the heartbeat of Sez Zion, James’ creative ability is superb and he holds the full knowledge of "what to do" and "how to do it" as a drummer. He has the gift to command your feet to move to the beat. James is very humble and loves to show what he knows and is willing to give to anyone that may be in need.
Band Members