Pete Kronowitt Band
San Francisco, CA | Established. Jan 01, 1994 | INDIE
Do Something Now
"Do Something Now … minces no words in telling listeners to "get off your ass," is downright bouncy with a catchy earworm chorus.”
antiMusic, October 2020 - antiMusic
“Time to kick your ass in gear,” San Francisco singer, songwriter and activist Pete Kronowitt urges on “Do Something Now.”
American Songwriter, Lee Zimmerman, November 2020 - American Songwriter, Lee Zimmerman
“If you’ve been wondering where all the great protest singers are now that Pete Seeger and Utah Phillips have joined Woody Guthrie and Phil Ochs in the Great Beyond, the answer is that they’re out there; you’re just no looking in the right places. Take New Jersey-born, Florida-raised, and San Francisco based Pete Kronowitt, for example.”
“Utah Phillips” was fond of saying “…that the best call-to-action songs are short on poetry and long on getting to the heart of things. Kronowitt is in that wheelhouse.”
Off Center Views, Rob Weir -Artist of the Month voter, 9/25/20 - Off Center Views, Rob Weir
Pete Kronowitt Sings His Songs & Tells All
By: Holly Day (Associate Writer)
From the very first track, "Dragon Song," it's obvious that Pete Kronowitt's (www.petekronowitt.com) second self-released album, Threads, is a very personal project. "The concept behind Threads is that each song represents its own story," explains Pete of the CD. "The complete collection of songs creates an interwoven narrative of family, friends, emotion, and personal perspectives of societal struggles."
Throughout the disc, this binding "thread" can be felt, from the song about his younger sister's struggle with diabetes - which led to Pete's parents founding of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation - to the song about the night he proposed to his wife and the song he wrote for his grandmother's eightieth birthday. As a whole, the album is so refreshingly innocent and heartfelt that if the sincerity in the songs weren't almost palpable, the album could be dismissed as corny and simplistic. It's because of this sincerity that Kronowitt succeeds where someone less brave and less willing to bare all would fail miserably.
(the remainder of the review can be read at the link below)
www.musicdish.com/mag/index.php3?id=8951 - MusicDish
Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Pete Kronowitt a collection of songs dedicated to his marriage. He was wed in Martha’s Vineyard some eight years ago and now he has decided to put together some inspiring tunes for not only his sister’s wedding, for whom he originally composed the song, but also all the fine listeners at home. His music is good and well written—just as tender and emotional as you’d expect contemporary wedding pop-rock songs to be.
www.smother.net/reviews/modernrock.php3?ID=1311 - Smother.net
DISC of the Week:
Think back to a time, and place, 1968 at the APPLE RECORDS office in Swinging London.
In steps a young man who, with one song, "Now It's We", floors the APPLE staff with his voice and delivery.
"Sign him to a contract!" an APPLE staffer yells.
Fast forward to 2006.
PETE KRONOWITT is that young man.
You cannot live without the 'elements'.
- Michael Capozzoli, Jr.
It’s not exceptionally rare to find musicians speaking from the heart, but it is much more difficult to find than in the earlier “good ol‘” days. Singer/Songwriter Pete Kronowitt has a knack for harkening back to those poignant times and places more emphasis on the values he wants to praise. In Elements, Kronowitt’s third album, he addresses the importance of family, health, marriage, and love with both optimism and care. Most of this album is a re-working of his second album, Threads, which was, in Kronowitt’s opinion, overly-produced and too filled out. On Elements Kronowitt practices the art of putting space between notes instead of drowning his listeners in walls of unnecessary noise.
“Now It’s We” is both the opening track and centerpiece of Elements. Intended as a wedding song for his sister, it softly symbolizes the vitality of love. The rest of the album follows suit nicely. All of his songs retain either a blatant or discreet feeling of sublime hope, but nevertheless still reminds the listener how delicate such pleasures are. In the more somber songs, like “1 Can’t Love Enough 4-2” and “Follow The Leader”, his slightly Southern crooning relays a positive outcome yet simultaneously seems to remind us that badness exists in order to appreciate the good even more.
The musical set-up for Elements is deliberately simple. Most songs use a standard guitar-bass-drum trio with occasional strings or backing vocals for fullness. The basslines amble along as the trusty sidekick to the dominant Folksy acoustic strumming, never overshadowing, yet never becoming lost in irrelevance. “Within Me” is really the only song that uses the bass as the foundation of the song’s melody. Besides that, the semi-country guitar work stands at the forefront of Elements structure. The last track is the short and to-the-point song, “Fraternity Whore”, a song that showcases Kronowitt’s humor and lets us indulge in our own as well.
Kronowitt keeps the album full of sentiment but sparse in terms of actual music. The instrumentation is minimal, making each track sound intimate and giving vast importance to each passing measure. A great technique Kronowitt uses wonderfully giving his acoustic ballads a quiet power.
- eo entertainment
Well Mr. Pete Kronowitt is very much singing from his heart. His songs are happy, sad, and very much with emotions. He plays that guitar with strength and talent. He is singing about just about everything and I love the elements in the background with the sounds of wind, and sea, thus the title Elements. Each song is heartfelt and it shows since Pete got his start playing while attending American University and then moved on to performing benefit shows for diabetes, women’s rights, and children causes. He sounds sincere and you can feel the drive for merit and love in his voice.
Reviewer: Erika Ellis
- the celebrity cafe
Music is such an important element of every wedding. Whether for the walk down the aisle or for the first dance with the husband, music sets the tone for the wedding day. If you're searching for a sentimental wedding tune to accompany your wedding day, then Pete Kronowitt's "Now It's We" may just be your answer.
Happily married for over eight years, Pete Kronowitt is an acoustic singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles. "Now It's We" was originally composed as a gift for his younger sister's wedding. In this featured track, Pete Kronowitt shares what he believes are the three elements of a successful marriage - trust, respect and friendship.
If you're into acoustic music with sentimental, heartfelt lyrics, then "Now It's We" may be the perfect addition to your wedding day. As an added bonus, there are 11 other songs on the CD, all narrating a different story, a different relationship, and a different sentiment.
- TorontoBrides
Pete Kronowitt may not be a name you are too familiar with. Yet he recorded and released his third album this past year. Pete has been hailed as a top notch folk pop singer / songwriter. This new album, Elements, shows what Pete's fans have known all along, he is extremely talented.
The album was released on Mean Bean Records and was produced by both Pete Snell and John Alagia. It has a dozen songs and lasts a little over 37 minutes.
The first song is Now It's We. It was a song that Pete wrote for his younger sister Tracy 's wedding. The song is a testament to love and making a long term commitment to a marriage. According to a quote from Pete about the song, he used the lyrics from the song a year later as his wedding vows with this wife Natalie.
When I heard Ballad of Pete & Heather I immediately thought of Gordon Lightfoot. Pete's voice isn't quite as distinctive as Gordon's yet there is something there that made me make the comparison.
Helping Pete out on the album are Kate Higgins, Armando Compean, Lee Spath, Mike Bolger, David Coppola, Jennifer Ferguson and Ann Wolbach. Pete Snell and John Trupp also helped out on the album.
Pete has also been compared to Jack Johnson among others. One reviewer made a comparison to Elvis Costello but I think that's stretching things a little too far.
The album is laden with great acoustic guitar. This guitar work is done by Pete, which seriously complements his vocals.
Troubadour has some nice horn music as an added bonus.
Each of the songs on Elements has something to do with relationships. They aren't too sappy or too horribly downtrodden. Pete seems to sing from deep down inside himself, making the listener his best friend. He spills out the inner feelings of joy, sadness, despair and exhilaration.
Elements is fine and upstanding pop folk album. If you are into pop folk music, then I'm sure you will enjoy Pete Kronowitt and Elements.
Check out Pete at www.petekronowitt.com .
- Bruce Von Stiers
With more and more couples striving to plan more unique and personalized weddings, I'm often asked for new suggestions on music for the ceremony. Many couples today want their musical selections to be fresh and different - not pieces that have been recycled zillions of times at other weddings. Here's one possible suggestion: I was recently sent the album Elements by Pete Kronowitt for a listen. If what you want is something that your guests haven't already heard at wedding after wedding, "Now It's We" might be a contender as a selection for the wedding ceremony. The song is very personal to the artist - he wrote it with his sister's wedding in mind, however, I think many couples will find the lyrics equally meaningful. A break from the same old same old wedding music, "Now It's We" is a piece that has the potential to capture your wedding guests attention and get them to perk up their ears and really LISTEN. As an aside, I'm a sucker for a great CD cover, and this one's cool enough to frame and hang on the wall.
~ Linda Kevich
Editor, SuperWeddings.com
- Linda Kevich, Editor, SuperWeddings.com
Nancy & Bob (Florida)
The web site is wonderful. I enjoyed the video. It brought back such memories and made me cry. Let me know if you sent it out to everyone here. If not, I will forward for you.
Bonnie (Maryland)
Koolness! Your website is pretty awesome! I love the way the pages can be turned with your mouse and the music is pretty cool too. Good luck
with it! I sent it to two of my aunts and I hope they check it out too.
Awesome job Pete!!
Jasmine (Florida)
Dear Peter:
Thank you for sharing your exciting news about the debut of your new CD, 'elements' - many congratulations! Chris and I don't usually have time to have coffee together during the week, however we made an exception this past Wednesday morning as we went on you web site and listened to 'elements'! It was a great way to begin our day - a very impressive compilation of music. We also loved the website. I honestly don't know how you computer geeks do it!
Dorothy & Chris (Vermont)
It is beautiful - I don't recall being so engrossed in the design of a website for a long time. Your work is beautful - Bravo.
Jenny (England)
Now that is a great site!
WOW! Anything else is just grade school.
I like the sparse sound of your new songs. Great the way you have the music playing while in the site.
very cool
Greg (California)
I love the new site. i had a chance to tune in this morning while I was doing some mindless work at my desk. I am really impressed with the new work. i am not the best person to be able to describe what I liked about it other than i really liked it. (I would suck as a music or movie critic). Your lyrics are wonderful too. specifically, i stopped what i was doing when I listened to Puzzle Piece and re-read the lyrics and listened to the tune a second time. the website is great! it is very complementary to your music and really personalizes the art that you have. it is not the typical commercial artist scene that you see from the large scale, big time performers.
Andy (California)
Dear Peter,
I'm inspired by how you have woven the very personal into your work. That is the life of an artist, yes. Of course, I will forward to friends and family...I know many of them will be inspired by your music the way I have been. Aloha,
Lisbeth (Hawaii)
Hey Peter,I am super impressed with your site! Awesome.
Jason (California)
Comments sent by Carol (California)
What an awesome (sorry for the Ca lingo!!!) ;-) website!!! Your music is so romantic - nice. Maybe next time you are in town you will do us the honor of bringing your guitar and play in the bar for us, or I can ask my boyfriend to loan you his.
I watched your video and viewed your site…WOW it is fantastic, what an accomplishment. You are a fantastic guitarist (pk comment: I did respond that I had some help from brilliant musicians) with a gentle pleasing voice and I enjoyed your song writing skills. The website is brilliant, I almost felt guilty as I peered into your private life and enjoyed your family photos. Thanks for including me on your list and I’ll share your site with all my friends.
GREGG (Nevada)
Hi Pete,Good to hear from you! What a beautiful site, and congratulations! FromScratch Design did a great job and I love the interface. I'll visit/revisit your site and forward to my friends and family, they're gonna dig it. Good luck and keep in touch.
Take care,
Gerardo (California)
Hi Pete, Wow, that's quite a site, it's gorgeous! I may have to call them about doing some things for us. I'll definitely send it to some people.
Steve (California)
Wow! Thank you for sharing your new site with me! It is amazing, did you design it yourself!? I spent the last hour exploring.
Lara (NYC)
Comments sent by Mark (California)
Very nice site, Pete! Good to see you living outside of Intel!
Hi Peter,
Your website (and "elements") are very impressive! Quite a page-turner! I especially enjoyed the "Family" video -- very cute pictures of Natalie.
xo Jodi (California)
it’s really worth the wait. Very artistic and easy to navigate. Wonderful stuff!!!!
Peter (Oregon)
Fantastic site. I am planning on sending it to local "folk" club members as well as some friends and Lisa. Hope that helps.
Those pix are great and fun - from fans and friends
Phases Of The Heart 1993
Threads 2002
elements 2005
Lone Voice 2016
Do Something Now 2020

If Steve Earle drank beers with Elvis Costello and got pissed enough to write political tunes, they would sound like Pete Kronowitt songs. Pete writes songs with hooks, a dash of alt-country, a smidgen of something familiar yet new; catchy songs ranging from acoustic alternative pop and country to Indie with progressive lyrical phrasing, and then combines performing and touring with activism. His songs lie at the juncture where culture and passion clash with politics. Pete has received critical acclaim, been nominated for songwriting by Folk Alliance International and honors from the Mid Atlantic Songwriter Contest.
Following in the footsteps of folk singers advocating to better humanity, Pete has organized, marched and sang his way across this land. Pete has toured internationally in China, Japan, and Vietnam, and across the US. Pete also founded Face the Music Collective, a guide for creative activists utilizing performances to inspire targeted individual action, one event at a time. After recruiting more than 75 artists, Face the Music Collective has raised over $50K for grassroots organizations and campaigns with over 80 live and online performances. With 5 albums to his credit, Pete’s newest album, Do Something Now, was released in September 2020, a call to action to encourage more civic engagement.
"Do Something Now … minces no words in telling listeners to "get off your ass," is downright bouncy with a catchy earworm chorus.”
antiMusic, October 2020
Band Members