One Tribe Nation
Gig Seeker Pro

One Tribe Nation

Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2025 | SELF

Los Angeles, California, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2025
Band Rock Latin




"Last Night: One Tribe Nation at the Boom Boom Room"

One Tribe Nation at The Boom Boom Room

Better Than: An oiled up Mt. Shasta draped in rubber sheeting with free lift tickets, relaxed nudity laws and padded trees.

First of all, what is wrong with you San Francisco? A balmy Thursday evening down in the Western Addition too good for ya? Seven hundred thousand of us and I alone -- well, almost -- found an amazing band last night and was promptly blown away by the deepest funkadelic vibe I’ve seen since Herbie Hancock dropped acid and mixed electronics and jazz.

The Boom Boom Room down on Fillmore St. across from The Fillmore was hosting a band called One Tribe Nation and, from the looks of it, didn’t promote the band well at all. A total of 25 heads were in attendance at the $10 cover charge venue -- 70 percent of them women -- and illuminates why San Fran is such a great place to mull around in the depths of music.

Who would have thought that it’d be possible to catch a jazz fusion band featuring members of Santana, Black Eyed Peas, the Goo Goo Dolls, Robert Walters 20th Congress and Shakira at a dive blues joint?

Well kiddies, since this is a post-show review and typically you’re generally fucked with regard to seeing what this reviewer saw the previous evening you might simply shrug shoulders and punch yourself in the face because you missed something great.

In this case however, One Tribe Nation is playing another show at the Boom Boom Room tonight. Don’t miss it. The band is tight, the groove is mellow-hot funky cream and the improvisation between the Elton John/Jack Nicholson hybrid keyboardist and tuned-in dreaded out lead guitar during their long, aggressive and purely entertaining renditions of Bob Marley and Santana cover tracks will keep your right foot tapping till you get off your ass and dance.

Dance I say.

Critics Notebook:
Personal Bias: I had Guinness for dinner and have a natural affinity for empty bars
Random Detail: Hula girl on the cash register and a very high percentage of women
By the way: They play again tonight!

--Scott Van Velsor - SF Weekly: Scott Van Velsor

"One Tribe Nation lanza una canción en apoyo al movimiento Occupy L.A."

La banda californiana multicultural de rock mestizo One Tribe Nation lanzó, por medio del canal de videos You Tube, un video de su canción It´s Time como una forma de apoyo al movimiento social de protesta Occupy L..A. que es, a su vez, parte del movimiento nacional de protesta sociales Occupy Wall Street.

One Tribe Nation, la banda fundada por el guitarrista canadiense Michael Sanders, es una de las grandes gemas del rock californiano en un estilo que el mismo músico define como afro-latino-funk-rock. La banda, además de Sanders, está compuesta por el energético cantante méxico-estadounidense Quetzal Guerrero, el bajista italo-estadounidense David Filice y el baterista estadounidense David Young Professor Cowan quienes tienen como única regla para componer, que no hay reglas. El anterior cantante de One Tribe Nation fue el músico méxico-estadounidense Andy Vargas quien alternó ése puesto con el de cantante de la banda del guitarrista mexicano de rock mestizo Carlos Santana, con quien sigue hasta ahora.

“En realidad no escribió la canción para el movimiento”, dice Sander en entrevista sobre la nueva canción de la banda y matiza que “sin embargo, en un sentido general, sin saberlo, estábamos escribiendo canciones sobre el movimiento antes de que siquiera empezar. Cuando Quetzal y yo hablamos sobre lo que iban a hacer sus letras para este disco, me sugirió que escribiera acerca de lo que es vivir en Los Ángeles, y en la actualidad los Estados Unidos. El resultado final es una mirada positiva, reflexiva y, a veces brutalmente honesta sobre el país desde la perspectiva de un brillante joven artista latino que es muy sabio para su edad”, dice Sander a propósito de la lírica del nuevo cantante de la banda.

Para Sander el movimiento Occupy a nivel nacional, y su capítulo angelino, es algo legítimo y muy importante de apoyar como artistas e integrantes de One Tribe Nation.

“Creo que la gente ve que nos estamos alejando de los valores que construyeron la clase media más fuerte que el mundo haya visto. La gente está de pie y decir simplemente no al hecho de que el 1% de la población controle nuestro sistema de gobierno. Desde nuestro punto de vista, el movimiento Occupy es sólo una manifestación física de esas frustraciones”, dice Sanders.

El guitarrista adelanta que el próximo disco de One Tribe Nation saldrá en Estados Unidos, con su contagiosa fusión musical, saldrá el próximo 1 de marzo y el cual vendrán a presentar a Houston en concierto.

- Houston Chronicle

"All for One, One for All"

One Tribe Nation are the band guitarist Michael Sanders has been waiting for.

The Afro-Latin funk rockers—who represent an array of ethnicities and musical influences—mirror their Los Angeles home base in sound and spirit. An earlier incarnation of the group came about via Sanders' solo project, which was propelled by session musicians in 2006 after he moved to the sprawling metropolis from Canada with material in tow. Now, with an established core of bassist Dave Flice, vocalist Quetzal Guerrero and David "Young Professor" Cowen on drums, rounding out a more collaborative vision finally became possible.

"My biggest achievement was to manage to get such great musicians to play some of my music, write with me and share their music as well," Sanders says.

The effort culminated in last month's incentive-laden early release of We Are the One on the band's website. The diverse sounds of Latin, funk, reggae and rock are seamlessly interwoven on the new album's 11 songs.

"I'm part Indian, part African-American, Irish, Scottish, Canadian," Sanders says. "For guys like us who grow up with these multicultural backgrounds, I think it's pretty natural to just want to mix everything."

The oneness of One Tribe Nation's identity is not solely relegated to their sonic expression, either. "It's a euphemism for human rights," Sanders says of the band name. "People get way too hung up on their own little clique to the point where they exclude other people."

In seeking to rock the masses from dissension into unity, the group look to musicians who flourished during the mid-'60s and '70s, tapping into the wealth of their example to create a new-century sound. The imprint of WAR's funk, Santana's spirit and Curtis Mayfield's soul is evident on We Are the One. "I started getting away from the heavier music and more into Afro-Cuban and Latin music," Sanders says of his own evolution as a metal guitarist. "Trying to combine that with my rock roots is how a lot of this came up."

While One Tribe Nation were preparing their new music for release, they had a chance to perform for a receptive audience. Politicized encampments collectively known as "Occupy" spread across the country last fall and City Hall was the epicenter in the band's hometown.

"We went there because we wanted to play for the people that were really on the frontlines of what we saw as a pretty defining battle between corporations and just regular folks," Sanders says of their October performance atop the steps of Occupy LA. "The energy of the day was really, really special."

He had also invited friend and filmmaker Leonardo Bondani to document the moment, which transformed into a notable music video for the aptly titled single "It's Time."

Soon, it will be time for We Are the One to be released nationwide on the politically charged date of May 1, otherwise known globally as May Day. With that, One Tribe Nation aspire to take their musical message wherever an open ear feels compelled to listen.

"We're hoping to reach and communicate with as many people as we possibly can," Sanders says. "We just want to build a movement, make more records, and bring more people along for the ride."

This article appeared in print as "One Love: One Tribe Nation get together to feel all right, and to mobilize." - OC Weekly: GABRIEL SAN ROMAN

"One Tribe Nation: ¿El canto de los indignados?"

1/25/12 One Tribe Nation: ¿El canto de los indignados? | Hoy Los Angeles 2/8

One Tribe Nation: ¿El canto de los indignados?
Atribuyen himno extraoficial del movimiento Occupy LA a banda afro-latina
Andrea Carrion | 1/19/2012, 12:31 p.m.

One Tribe Nation | Cortesía Para algunas personas el movimiento Occupy LA fue un intenso reclamo al sistema y quienes lo gobiernan. Para otros sólo fue una odiosa protesta masiva de tres meses que bloqueó calles por momentos y terminó quemando el cesped de la alcaldía. Para el grupo de música afro-latino-funk-rock One Tribe Nation, además de ser una causa justa, Occupy LA significó una excelente vitrina, la perfecta oportunidad para exponer su sonido y estilo, en especial una canción que hoy se rumorea como el himno del movimiento que durante 58 días se autosembró en el centro de la ciudad. El nombre del tema es “It’s Time”, una canción de cuatro minutos y medio que contiene frases tipo “Vamos a pelear, vamos a recuperar lo que nos robaron”, “Hay tanto que hacer, es difícil saber por dónde empezar” y “Nunca es tarde para hacer escuchar tu voz.
Quetzal Guerro, vocalista del grupo angelino, dijo que la esta canción no se escribió a raiz del movimiento Occupy LA sino que forma parte de su primer disco, el que One Tribe Nation viene trabajando hace tiempo y que planean lanzar al mercado en marzo.
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Francisco Castro La banda tocando frente a la alcaldía de Los Angeles.
“Hace tres años que estamos escribiendo y produciendo el disco, tiempo en el que veníamos definiendo la visión de este grupo y la forma en que queríamos promovernos de manera más comercial, más pop, con un mensaje político, social y cultural”, explicó Guerrero.
Además de Quetzal, el grupo está compuesto por su líder, el canadiense Michael Sanders, el bajista italoestadounidense David Filice y el baterista estadounidense David Young Professor Cowan. Un día un amigo les
comentó que Occupy LA estaba buscando bandas que tocaran durante sus manifestaciones y cuyo mensaje coincidiera con la causa. No la pensaron dos veces. “Fue el contexto perfecto”, comentó Guerrero, “si hubiéramos lanzado el disco un año antes, no habría tenido el mismo impacto que tendrá ahora”. La invitación incluso les dio la oportunidad de grabar un video bajo la dirección de Leonardo Bondani y el 17 de noviembre del año pasado “It’s Time” fue lanzada vía You Tube y luego se esparció por las redes sociales. Guerrero reacciona al calificativo que ha recibido la canción como himno extra oficial del movimiento.
“Comenzaron a dejar comentarios que decían ‘Esto es exactamente lo que es el movimiento, todo está en esta canción’. Es un honor para nosotros y de lo más oportuno”, añadió el vocalista de 26 años de edad. Guerrero, nacido en Arizona de madre brasileña y padre indioamericano-mexicano, cuenta que creció en un ambiente de artistas y que luego se convirtió, no sólo en músico profesional, sino también en bailarín, experto en capoeira, violín y guitarra. “Tengo mi propia proyecto y el verano pasado lancé mi propio CD, “Coisa boa” (“Cosa buena”) pero es otro estilo, una mezcla de música americana soul con música brasilera, composiciones originales, más tropical”, dice. “Y cuando Michael [Sanders] me ‘secuestró’, lo vi como una oportunidad para ecribir y compartir un mensaje más político, social y así mostrar mi otro lado, el del activista”.
One Tribe Nation tendrá una prsentación en vivo el próximo 24 de enero a las 9 p.m. en Skinny's Lounge, 4923Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA.
- I Hoy Los Angeles

"New Music: One Tribe Nation"

New Music: One Tribe Nation
I learned about One Tribe Nation in 2011 during the Occupy LA movement and their video “It’s Time” by renowned filmmaker Leonardo Bondani. Their last album “Servants of a Lesser God” holds what I’d like to think of the “theme song” for OCGente “Sons of the Sky/Hijos del Cielo” which features Bernard Fowler and Andy Vargas.
This energetic LA band offers a musical interpretation of the state of the American life from a multicultural point of view. Armed with a powerful and poignant message, One Tribe Nation releases its new album “We Are the One”, the band’s musical reflections of the good, the bad, and the immense potential of America.
The album consists of 11 tracks, including the politically charged title “The Enemy”, the love song “Don’t Let Me Down”, “The Only One”, The title track “We Are The One”, “San Francisco”, “Free My Pain”, “Room To Breathe” , “Free My Pain”, “Don’t Let Me Down”, “Mended Heart” and the outspoken “It’s Time”. Not to mention my new favorite “Esperanza (Becky’s Song)”.
“This record picks up where many artists left off in the early 70s,” says Michael Sanders band-leader and guitarist. “For us, it’s not about blue, red, left or right, or any other device that’s used to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. It’s about those who build and those who destroy, and the reality is, we all choose a side in this battle by virtue of the decisions we make in our own lives each and every day.” says Sanders.
Although the band was formerly a solo project for guitarist Sanders, this new record is true collaboration in which band members, Quetzal Guerrero and (bassist) David Filice, and (drummer) David Cowan contributed in a more creatively democratic process with the guidance of producer Chris Baseford, who’s worked with such heavy weights as Tommy Lee, John 5, and Rob Zombie, delivers the band’s diverse vision with a powerful driving punch that’s sure to keep listeners rocking and even dancing as they listen.
They also brought in session players Dave Schulz (Goo Goo Dolls, Berlin) on keys and well known and respected percussionists Chuck Prada (Sergio Mendes, Michael Jackson, Kelis) and Daniel de Los Reyes (Jennifer Lopez, Sting).
“We really wanted to make music with substance that is relevant and inspirational to the listener,” says Quetzal Guerrero. The singer says that growing up as multicultural/multilingual American has always helped him understand and connect with different demographics of people. “In our new album I believe we do exactly that, through our wide range of rhythms, styles and lyrics, One Tribe Nation attempts to find a common ground with everyone and connect with them on a musical level,” says the vocalist.
In support of their new album, the band is already scheduled for multiple performances and promotional interviews in the Southern California including:
The Mint (Los Angeles) April 27, 2013
- OC

"One Tribe Nation – We Are The One"

One Tribe Nation‘s studio album We Are The One won’t be officially released worldwide until May 1st, but for those already in the know, the eleven track album is readily available now on the Los Angeles-based band’s website. Guitarist Michael Sanders says of We Are The One that it musically “picks up where other bands left off in the early 70's.” One Tribe Nation mixes the genres of the many to produce a solid Afro-Latin funk rock blend. Elements of Chicano Soul intermingle with influences ranging from reggae to the likes of funkateer pioneers WAR. Distorted guitar riffs give the six-piece band’s brew its rough edge.

“Through our wide range of rhythms, styles and lyrics,” says vocalist Quetzal Guerrero in a press release, “One Tribe Nation attempts to find a common ground with everyone and connect with them on a musical level.” The May Day worldwide release date underpins the political aspects of One Tribe Nation. With tracks like “The Enemy” and the music video for “It’s Time” they clearly are not apathetic to the world around them. Will One Tribe Nation’s new music unify? Give We Are The One a listen as there’s a little something for everyone. -

"Featured Artist: One Tribe Nation"

ne Tribe Nation are a progressive band out of Los Angeles who banded together to create music that is inspired by the multicultural elements of the city, producing music that matters. Their first single, “It’s Time” takes on the subject of Occupy LA encouraging people to fight back and reclaim their rights as a people and out of those in the 1 percentile. OTN’s first video for the single was inspired by their performance on the steps of City Hall in L.A. “We really wanted to make music with substance that is relevant and inspirational to the listener,” says Quetzal Guerrero (lead vocalist). Progressive Pulse is not a stranger to Guerrero’s solo music and immediately took notice when we heard about his new band.
At first listen, OTN appear to be pure rock, but upon deeper listening, just like their lyrics, you’ll hear a myriad of eclectic sounds from Reggae, Jazz and Latin rhythms. Track 2, “Not The Only One”, starts with heavy guitar by frontman, Michael Sanders and escalates into the salsa one might hear in East L.A. The title track, “We Are The One” is a funky rock gem to represent those who came before us while encouraging us to make a change for the future.
Each of the four members: Michael Sanders (Guitar), Quetzal Guerrero (Vocals), Dave Filice (bass), and David Cowan (drums) bring a lot to the table including their ‘A’ Game when it comes to musicianship, who’ve all had solo projects or played with veterans within the industry. Rounding out the set is producer, Chris Baseford (Rob Zombie, Tommy Lee) who helps fuse the four talents into One Tribe Nation.
Drawing upon the multitude of diverse sounds that come out of L.A. throughout the years, One Tribe Nation is positioned to take that spirit and launch into a new generation of music that represents the people. According to Sanders, ““The concept of One Tribe Nation is based upon the simple idea that, as a species, our similarities outweigh our differences.” With that I encourage you to listen to our featured artist here at You can keep up with them via their App below and watch the music video for “It’s Time”- DIRECTOR’S CUT! Visit One Tribe Nation and get the album! - Progressive Pulse: Steve V Rodriguez

"ONE TRIBE NATION lanza una canción en apoyo al movimiento Occupy L.A."

May have written unofficial theme song for #OccupyLA movement
The Afro-Latin Funk Rock Band Performs and Records Video for New Song “It’s Time” revealing a thoughtful and provocative glimpse into the American soul and life of Angelenos.
“We really wanted to make music with substance that is relevant and inspirational to the listener,” says singer Quetzal Guerrero Catch their live performance at Skinny’s Lounge in North Hollywood on Tuesday January 24, 2012
(January 3, 2011 – Los Angeles, CA) — New representatives of the hidden beauty and multi-dimensional spirit of Los Angeles today, “One Tribe Nation”,releases “It’s Time” a video inspired by their performance on the steps of City Hall during Occupy LA in solidarity of this worldwide movement. It is this song that may have become the unofficial anthem of this historic movement in Los Angeles.
The Afro-Latino funk rock band, led by guitarist Michael Sanders, took its thoughtful and provocative glimpse into the American soul and life of Angelenos to the next level as they performed a song during the now ubiquitous Occupy Wall Street movement on October 23rd, 2011 at the Los Angeles City Hall.Renowned video and film maker Leonardo Bondani – whose body of work includes MalditaVecindad, Tijuana No, Kid Frost, and El Vuh just to name a few – recorded a video of One Tribe Nation’s “It’s Time”.
“It’s Time”Occupy LA performance, available on YouTube:
One Tribe Nation will be releasing weekly free songs via their personal Android and IPhone apps that also feature video, biography, photos, shows, updates.
41423/onetribenation Catch One Tribe Nation LIVE for a special performance at Skinny’s Lounge, 4923 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601 on Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 9:00pm. - Chicago Jose Jara

"The best music involving progressive politics in 2011"

Selected as one of the best progressive songs of 2011 along with Lupe Fiasco, Jay Z, Kanye West, Radiohead, Tom Waits and others.

One Tribe Nation's track for #OccupyLA invites people to wake up and to be heard. Their video shows scenes from Occupy LA along with protest signs and their live performance

One Tribe Nation - It's Time - Denver Examiner

"One Tribe Nation launches a song in support of the Occupy LA movement"

One Tribe Nation launches a song in support of the movement Occupy LA
The rock band's multicultural California One Tribe Nation mestizo launched via YouTube video channel, a video for her song It's Time as a form of support for social protest movement Occupy L.. A. that is, in turn, part of the social protest movement Occupy National Wall Street.

One Tribe Nation, the band founded by guitarist Michael Sanders Canadian, is one of the great gems of California rock in a style that defines the same musician as Afro-Latin-funk-rock. The band, in addition to Sanders, is composed of the energetic vocalist Quetzal Guerrero Mexico-American, Italian-American bassist David Filice and drummer David Young American Professor Cowan those whose only rule to compose, there are no rules. The former lead singer of One Tribe Nation was the US-Mexico musician Andy Vargas who alternated in that position with the lead singer of Mexican rock guitarist Carlos Santana mestizo, who continues to this day.
"No, actually wrote the song for the motion," says Sander in an interview on the new song by the band and clarifies that "however, in a general sense, without knowing it, we were writing songs about the move before you even start. When Quetzal and I talked about what they would do the lyrics for this album, he suggested I write about what living in Los Angeles, and now the United States. The end result is a positive outlook, thoughtful and sometimes brutally honest about the country from the perspective of a brilliant young Latin artist is very wise for his age, "says Sander lyrical about the new singer of the band.
To Occupy Sander movement nationally, and his chapter Angeleno, is a legitimate and very important to support as artists and members of One Tribe Nation.
"I think people see that we are moving away from the values ??that built the strongest middle class the world has ever seen. The people stand and just say no to the fact that 1% of the population control our system of government. From our point of view, the movement Occupy is only a physical manifestation of those frustrations, "says Sanders.
The guitarist later that the next album One Tribe Nation will be released in the U.S., with his infectious musical fusion, due out next March 1 and which will come to Houston to present in concert. - Houston Chronicle- Google English Translation

"Local band One Tribe Nation has unofficial theme song By Marvin Vasquez"

By Jose Jara

By Mariluz González


May have written unofficial theme song for #OccupyLA movement

The Afro-Latin Funk Rock Band Performs and Records Video for New Song “It’s Time” revealing a thoughtful and provocative glimpse into the American soul and life of Angelenos.

“We really wanted to make music with substance that is relevant and inspirational to the listener,” says singer Quetzal Guerrero

Catch their live performance at Skinny’s Lounge in North Hollywood on Tuesday January 24, 2012

(January 3, 2011 – Los Angeles, CA) — New representatives of the hidden beauty and multi-dimensional spirit of Los Angeles today, “One Tribe Nation”,releases “It’s Time” a video inspired by their performance on the steps of City Hall during Occupy LA in solidarity of this worldwide movement. It is this song that may have become the unofficial anthem of this historic movement in Los Angeles.

The Afro-Latino funk rock band, led by guitarist Michael Sanders, took its thoughtful and provocative glimpse into the American soul and life of Angelenos to the next level as they performed a song during the now ubiquitous Occupy Wall Street movement on October 23rd, 2011 at the Los Angeles City Hall.Renowned video and film maker Leonardo Bondani – whose body of work includes MalditaVecindad, Tijuana No, Kid Frost, and El Vuh just to name a few – recorded a video of One Tribe Nation’s “It’s Time”.

“It’s Time”Occupy LA performance, available on YouTube:
One Tribe Nation will be releasing weekly free songs via their personal Android and IPhone apps that also feature video, biography, photos, shows, updates.
Catch One Tribe Nation LIVE for a special performance at Skinny’s Lounge, 4923 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601 on Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 9:00pm.

“We really wanted to make music with substance that is relevant and inspirational to the listener,” says Quetzal Guerrero. The singer says that growing up as a multicultural/multilingual American has always helped him understand and connect with different demographics of people.

“In our new album I believe we do exactly that, through our wide range of rhythms, styles and lyrics, One Tribe Nation attempts to find a common ground with everyone and connect with them on a musical level,” says the vocalist.

The full-length video of “It’s Time” performance at Occupy LA captures the energy and spirit of that historic movement. The song is the first track from One Tribe Nation’s new self-titled album, “One Tribe Nation”, which is now completed and scheduled for release on March 1, 2012.

“I just think that people see that we are moving away from the values that built the strongest middle class the world has ever seen. People are standing up and simply saying NO, 1% of the population should not be allowed to control our system of government. From our point of view, the Occupy Movement is just a physical manifestation of those frustrations.” says Sanders.

“For us, it’s not about blue, red, left or right, or any other device that’s used to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. It’s about those who build and those who destroy, and I think the reality is that we all choose a side in that battle by virtue of the decisions we make in our own lives each and every day,” says the band-leader and guitarist.

Titled “It’s Time” the song talks about the struggles faced by society today in the midst of misinformation and injustice, as well as each person’s ability to heighten their awareness and make decisions that can truly change the situation. The inspiration for “It’s Time” came from many hours of discussion between One Tribe Nation members – Sanders, Quetzal Guerrero (vocals) David Filice (bass), and David Cowan (drums).

For this group, the “side” and decision is clear: they choose unity, a place where the whole world is one tribe nation.

One Tribe Nation Members:

Michael Sanders: Guitar
Quetzal Guerrero: Vocals
David Filice: Bass
David Cowan(Young Professor) : Drums
Daniel de los Reyes: Percussion
DemianArriaga: Percussion
Dave Schulz: Keys
Photo: From left to right: David (Young Professor) Cowan, David Filice, Quetzal Guerrero, Michael Sanders - Campus Circle

"One Tribe Nation Release Occupy LA Inspired Video"

New representatives of the hidden beauty and multi-dimensional spirit of Los
Angeles today, “One Tribe Nation”, releases “It’s Time” a video inspired by their
performance on the steps of City Hall during Occupy LA in solidarity of this worldwide
movement. It is this song that may have become the unofficial anthem of this historic
movement in Los Angeles.
The Afro-Latino funk rock band, led by guitarist Michael Sanders, took its thoughtful
and provocative glimpse into the American soul and life of Angelenos to the next
level as they performed a song during the now ubiquitous Occupy Wall Street
movement on October 23rd, 2011 at the Los Angeles City Hall. Renowned video and
film maker Leonardo Bondani – whose body of work includes MalditaVecindad,
Tijuana No, Kid Frost, and El Vuh just to name a few – recorded a video of One Tribe
Nation’s “It’s Time”.
“We really wanted to make music with substance that is relevant and
inspirational to the listener,” says Quetzal Guerrero. The singer says that growing
up as a multicultural/multilingual American has always helped him understand and
connect with different demographics of people.
“In our new album I believe we do exactly that, through our wide range of
rhythms, styles and lyrics, One Tribe Nation attempts to find a common ground
with everyone and connect with them on a musical level,” says the vocalist.
The full-length video of “It’s Time” performance at Occupy LA captures the energy
and spirit of that historic movement. The song is the first track from One Tribe Nation’s
new self-titled album, “One Tribe Nation”, which is now completed and scheduled for
release on March 1, 2012.
“I just think that people see that we are moving away from the values that built
the strongest middle class the world has ever seen. People are standing up and
simply saying NO, 1% of the population should not be allowed to control our
system of government. From our point of view, the Occupy Movement is just a
physical manifestation of those frustrations.” says Sanders.
“For us, it’s not about blue, red, left or right, or any other device that’s used to
keep us fighting amongst ourselves. It’s about those who build and those who
destroy, and I think the reality is that we all choose a side in that battle by virtue
of the decisions we make in our own lives each and every day,” says the bandleader
and guitarist.
Titled “It’s Time” the song talks about the struggles faced by society today in the midst
of misinformation and injustice, as well as each person’s ability to heighten their
awareness and make decisions that can truly change the situation. The inspiration
for “It’s Time” came from many hours of discussion between One Tribe Nation
members – Sanders, Quetzal Guerrero (vocals) David Filice (bass), and David
Cowan (drums).
For this group, the “side” and decision is clear: they choose unity, a place where the
whole world is one tribe nation.
For more information about One Tribe Nation, visit: - Entertainment Affair

"ONE TRIBE NATION premieres Occupy video filmed in LA"

their main motive is to spread the video for the song "It's Time" , composed of images collected
during his presentation at the steps of the Hall of City while performing the Occupy LA, a movement
which, as we have shown already in this exclusive story , told at the time of their removal with several
musical contributions of value.
One Tribe Nation, complete with Michael Sanders on guitar, David Filice on bass, David Cowan on
drums, Daniel de los Reyes and Demian Arriaga on percussion and Dave Schulz on keyboards,
practice a style that defines its members and Afro-Latin funk rock, and made an appearance in Los
Angeles-in protest site on 23 October, the company recognized Bondani director Leonardo, who has
made videos for Damn Neighborhood , Tijuana No, Kid Frost and El Vuh.
"I think people are realizing that we are moving away from the values that built the middle class more
powerful than the world has ever seen," says Sanders. "There are many who are standing up to say
that 1% of the population should not be that our system of government control. From our point of
view, Occupy is only a physical manifestation of those frustrations. "
If they like what they hear and what they see in the video at the end of this text, have the chance to
see One Tribe Nation live this January 24th at Skinny's Lounge, located at 4923 Lankershim Blvd,
North Hollywood, CA 91601. The group's first album will be launched on March 1, and can visit their
official website here .
Get the Montréal Enjoy the Discover the MEGADETH -

"1/25/12 ONE TRIBE NATION estrena video filmado en Occupy L.A."

1/25/12 ONE TRIBE NATION estrena video filmado en Occupy L.A. 1/8
03 ONE TRIBE NATION estrena video filmado en Occupy
Texto: Sergio Burstein
En palabras de su vocalista Quetzal Guerrero, lo que más le interesa a esta banda es “hacer música
con sustancia que sea relevante e inspire al oyente”.
Y el más reciente comunicado que nos ha llegado de One Tribe Nation parece apuntar a ello, porque
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1/25/12 I IOTE NtBRrEi TANsel OenNva defio ado e.nmO.cuypLA
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su motivo principal es la difusión del video correspondiente al tema musical “It’s Time”, compuesto
por imágenes recogidas durante su presentación en los peldaños del Salón de la Ciudad mientras se
realizaba el Occupy L.A., un movimiento que, como lo mostramos ya en este reportaje exclusivo,
contó hasta el momento de su desalojo con varios aportes musicales de valor.
One Tribe Nation, que se completa con Michael Sanders en la guitarra, David Filice en el bajo, David
Cowan en la batería, Daniel de los Reyes y Demián Arriaga en las percusiones y Dave Schulz en los
teclados, practica un estilo que sus integrantes definen como funk rock afrolatino, e hizo acto de
presencia en el emplazamiento angelino de protesta el 23 de octubre pasado, con la compañía del
reconocido director Leonardo Bondani, quien ha hecho videos para Maldita Vecindad, Tijuana No!,
Kid Frost y El Vuh.
“Creo que la gente se está dando cuenta de que estamos alejándonos de los valores que edificaron a
la clase media más poderosa que el mundo jamás haya visto”, dice Sanders. “Hay muchos que se
están poniendo de pie para decir que el 1% de la población no debería ser el que controle nuestro
sistema de gobierno. Desde nuestro punto de vista, el Occupy es únicamente una manifestación
física de esas frustraciones”.
Si les gusta lo que escuchan y lo que ven en el video que se encuentra al final de este texto, tienen la
oportunidad de ver a One Tribe Nation en vivo este 24 de enero en el Skinny's Lounge, ubicado en
4923 Lankershim Blvd., North Hollywood, CA 91601. El primer álbum del grupo se lanzará el 1ro de
marzo, y pueden visitar su página oficial aquí.
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"Occupy LA: Unofficial Theme Song?"

One Tribe Nation may have written the unofficial theme song for the historic Occupy LA movement.
New representatives of the hidden beauty and multi-dimensional spirit of Los Angeles today, “One Tribe Nation”, releases “It’s Time” a
video inspired by their performance on the steps of City Hall during Occupy L.A. in solidarity of this worldwide movement. It is this song
that may have become the unofficial anthem of this historic movement in Los Angeles.
The Afro-Latino funk rock band, led by guitarist Michael Sanders, took its thoughtful and provocative glimpse into the American soul
and life of Angelenos to the next level as they performed a song during the now ubiquitous Occupy Wall Street movement on October
23rd, 2011 at the Los Angeles City Hall. Renowned video and film maker Leonardo Bondani – whose body of work includes
MalditaVecindad, Tijuana No, Kid Frost, and El Vuh just to name a few – recorded a video of One Tribe Nation’s “It’s Time”.
Catch One Tribe Nation LIVE for a special performance at Skinny’s Lounge, 4923 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601 on
Tuesday January 24, 2012 at 9:00pm.
“We really wanted to make music with substance that is relevant and inspirational to the listener,” says Quetzal Guerrero. The singer
says that growing up as a multicultural/multilingual American has always helped him understand and connect with different demographics
of people.
“In our new album I believe we do exactly that, through our wide range of rhythms, styles and lyrics, - | Entertainment Rocks

"The Soundtrack To The Occupation"

Elsewhere around the world, occupiers have been visited by musicians of various levels of
popularity and celebrity: D.O.A.’s Joey “Shithead” Keithley in Ottawa; the Nozuka brothers
and Cale Sampson in Toronto; folk group Seize the Day in London; Billy Bragg and Jinx Lennon
in Dublin; former Dead Kennedys singer Jello Biafra in San Francisco and in Melbourne;
Portugal. The Man in Minneapolis and in Philadelphia; and One Tribe Nation and The Lovely
Wild in Los Angeles. In Berlin, occupiers have created a song titled “Asamblea Worldwide”,
with unlimited verses to be added by people joining in.
If you know of any other examples, feel free to add them in the comments! - Sonic Weapons






"One of the great gems in California rock"
David Dorantes- Houston Chronicle

"The deepest Funkadelic vibe Ive seen since Herbie Hancock dropped acid and mixed electronics and jazz"

Scott Van Veslor- San Francisco Weekly

"Black is The New Black"
Gabriel San Roman- OC Weekly

Selected as one of "The best songs involving progressive politics in 2011"
Chris Steele- Denver Examiner 


Band Leader & Guitarist Michael Sanders Reimagines One Tribe Nation With an Outstanding New Lineup

Since 2005, Michael Sanders’ perennial art project has always attracted a diverse group of incredible musicians.  Brought together by Sanders’ vision of a high energy, genre defying, world rock ensemble, One Tribe Nation’s alumni has included members of Santana, Prince, Zac Brown Band, and Pacific Mambo Orchestra to name a few. The new lineup includes Grammy-winning percussionist Christian Pepin, bassist Uriah Duffy, X-Zappa Plays Zappa frontman Ben Thomas, keyboard player Dave Schulz and drummer David Cowan.  Combined, they bring a unique energy and musicality to the project, playing with everyone from Alicia Keys to Fifth Dimension to Sly and the Family Stone to English Beat.  One Tribe Nation is looking to get back on the road in 2021-22 to promote their third studio album Estado Dorado.   

Band Members