Jul Big Green
Cleveland, Ohio, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF
‘All Things’ are looking up for fresh Twinsburg musical talent
by Charles Cassady Jr.
What is it like being a hip-hop-leaning
singer-songwriter living by the Rock and
Roll Hall of Fame City?
The relationship between rock and rap
has always been a somewhat uneasy one,
with a few artists (notably Run D.M.C.)
who successfully bridged the sonic/cul
tural/opportunities gap. Now a local man
is also working hard in the arena of rhyme
and rhythm.
Introducing Jul Big Green coming
Straight Outta T-Burg (also known as
Twinsburg) with an eight-song EP.
“I always dreamed of being on stage
as a kid so, I guess, I always took it seri
ously,” said Green, a resident of more than
20 years. He said he skews to the more
“pop” end of hip-hop rather than the rap
styling most recently melodramatized on
TV’s “Empire.”
“I grew up around music. Everybody
in my family is somewhat musically in
clined,” he said. “I studied music at the
University of Akron, graduating with a
Bachelor of Arts. A year after I went to the
Recording Workshop, where I received a
certificate for audio engineering.”
Though the Eminem-in-“8-Mile” image
has promoted a sense of rappers and hip-
hoppers springing from disadvantaged
backgrounds and street-level aesthetics,
many have diverse musical heroes and
inspirations (even Tupac Shakur is said to
have listened avidly to Frank Sinatra and
Kate Bush). Jul Big Green’s heroes also
cut across boundaries of R&B, Motown,
pop and more.
“Growing up I loved listening to dc Talk
– tobyMac was one of my biggest influ
ences. Then, as I got older, I branched out
and expanded my musical horizons, and
I liked so much I had to pick favorites
from different genres. Like, for instance,
Lenny Kravitz was my style guy, and for
wit and class, I liked Andre 3000. But I
cannot forget Pharrell Williams when it
came to production and sound.”
There is also a perception that rap/hip-
Jul Big Green performs around greater
Cleveland and has released “All Things,”
an eight-track EP.
The Twinsburg Tribune, April 2016
hop artists only use their voices, like the
street corner doo-wop stars of the past.
But Jul Big Green is indeed an instru
mentalist as well.
“I started playing guitar at 14; I was self
Although I did have some lessons,
nothing ever really stuck, and I was never
really taught to read music. My brother
Jarryd, who’s my bassist now, and I played
in multiple youth groups, which is where
I was able to develop my skill. Learning
piano, drums and more recently bass.”
He added, “Funny thing about hip
hop and instruments is there are a lot of
self-taught producers who learned piano
to make beats. In this digital age, learn
ing music is as easy as googling ‘how to
play piano,’ which is what I did at 18.
I googled a chord chart and took it to
church. Few weeks later I stopped play
ing drums and was full-time on keys.
Artists like Andre 3000 and B.o.B both
play guitar. [Rapper] T-Pain can play
the drums. Pharrell Williams is a multi-
Jul Big Green’s talents have resulted
now in being represented by a Northfield-
based music agency, Drop It Indi.
“They’ve really helped me boost my
project forward,” Green said. “They re-
ally take a big weight off my shoulders,
which allows me to focus more on the
creative aspect.”
Last summer he released “All Things,”
a Jul Big Green EP consisting of eight
tracks. It is now available on iTunes and
can be heard on Bandcamp.com and
His performance venues have included
Wilbert’s, the Beachland Ballroom and
the Foundry, as well as many festivals.
“The most memorable Jul Big Green
moments since releasing my album this
summer are playing the Warehouse in
Michigan and headlining the Skyway
Film Festival in Tampa, Florida, where
I got to meet [actress] Jodie Sweetin on
the red carpet. Lastly, playing Barbizon’s
Passport to Discovery cruise with Austin
Anderson and Cody Simpson. It was wild.
I got to stage-dive onto, like, a thousand
Critical notices so far have focused on
Green as an up-and-coming exponent
of “positive rhymes” and verbal/melodic
versatility. The Cleveland weekly SCENE
called him one of “the coolest guys in the
Midwest music scene,” suggesting even
bigger gigs lie ahead.
“I know one music misconception is
that money and fame equals happiness,”
he said. “Money can give you temporary
highs which can allow you to create an
illusion that life is all great, but I hear
time and time again it’s lonely at the top.”
Still up-and-coming himself, Green
does have wisdom to share with fellow
artists and performers.
“Strive for your goals, and be the best
you can be but don’t burn your bridges
and step all over people to get what
you want,” he advised. “I see people do
that over and over again. There’s noth
ing wrong with utilizing other people’s
talents, but don’t forget the people who
helped you out.
He added, “Another thing is, don’t focus
too much on the superficial. I’m guilty of
it, too. I wrote a song loosely based on the
misconception of money called ‘Food 4
Thought.’ ‘What profits a man to gain the
world but lose his soul?’”
‘Food 4 Thought’ is one of the music
videos posted online now on the of
ficial online site for the artist’s clips,
news and upcoming gigs. - ScripType Publishing
Local Cleveland musician Julien Huntley released his first full length album titled “All Things” late this past May. This first album consists of 8 tracks that each house their own different style and uplifting message. Through out the album Juls’ musical diversity is well represented by the various layers and unique musical styles within each track. From jazzy progressions to energetic pop-punk to modern hip-hop textures there is really something for everyone to love in this album. On top of getting attention musically the album also grips you mentally as Juls’ vocals bring you into a thought invoking state of mind as he speaks positive and relatable messages.
Watch the Official Video for “Get Away” by Jul Big Green (ft. Clark Campbell & J.O. Marine):
“Always pushing the limits of crossing genres has always been a mission throughout my musical journey…Although I have various different sounds I feel as though I’ve developed a certain sound that will give familiarity no matter what style I may be playing.” – Jul Big Green
Releasing this first album has allowed Jul to really begin to influence the music community as well as his local community by creating something from nothing that everyone can enjoy and relate to. This journey has brought Jul closer to who he is by letting him spread His message using the talents he has been given. With the diversity and relatability of the album it has gone over very well with youth ministries.
“All Things” is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Spotify.
Get Connected With Jul Big Green:
Website // www.JulBigGreen.com
Facebook // www.facebook.com/JulBigGreen
Twitter // www.twitter.com/Jul_BigGreen - Blog It InDi
Local Cleveland musician Julien Huntley released his first full length album titled “All Things” late this past May. This first album consists of 8 tracks that each house their own different style and uplifting message. Through out the album Juls’ musical diversity is well represented by the various layers and unique musical styles within each track. From jazzy progressions to energetic pop-punk to modern hip-hop textures there is really something for everyone to love in this album. On top of getting attention musically the album also grips you mentally as Juls’ vocals bring you into a thought invoking state of mind as he speaks positive and relatable messages.
“Always pushing the limits of crossing genres has always been a mission throughout my musical journey…Although I have various different sounds I feel as though I’ve developed a certain sound that will give familiarity no matter what style I may be playing.” – Jul Big Green
Releasing this first album has allowed Jul to really begin to influence the music community as well as his local community by creating something from nothing that everyone can enjoy and relate to. This journey has brought Jul closer to who he is by letting him spread His message using the talents he has been given. With the diversity and relatability of the album it has gone over very well with youth ministries. - Worship Wire
Americans will soon be observing Patriot Day and the National Day of Service and Remembrance. Most people just refer to them as 9/11, the numbers that stand for that horrific day in September when nearly 3,000 were killed on U.S. soil.
The observance is meant to remember those who died or were injured in the tragic terrorist attacks. President Barack Obama stated that all flags will wave at half-mast on homes, businesses and all U.S. government buildings around the world.
Some people observe a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. This marks the time that the first plane flew into the World Trade Center. Some communities host special church services or prayer meetings, visit memorials or lay flowers at the gravesites of veterans while remembering their bravery.
“As we come together once more to mourn their loss, we also recall how the worst terrorist attack in our history brought out the true character of the American people,” the president stated at whitehouse.gov. “Courageous firefighters rushed into an inferno, brave rescue workers charged up stairs and coworkers carried others to safety.”
The National Day of Service and Remembrance on Sept. 11 was voted in by Congress several years ago and reflects the American spirit of volunteerism, according to whitehouse.gov. “United We Serve,” at serve.gov, promotes the president’s nationwide service initiative, “built on the belief that ordinary people can come together and achieve extraordinary things when given the proper tools.”
There are observances in many of the communities on that day, be it mourning or being inspired to lend a helping hand. Doug Button thought of an idea that would provide an enjoyable night out for veterans at no charge. The Warehouse Venue will present an “Acoustic Tribute to 9/11” at 7 p.m. Sept. 11. The venue is located at 6135 King Road in Marine City.
The event is open to everyone, of all ages. Tickets are $5 at the door, and free to anyone with military ID. There are three different musicians who will share their style of music with the crowd – Trey Simon, Jul Big Green and Goldblum.
Simon’s style “combines the taste and sounds of influences such as B.B. King, Lightning Hopkins and Nat King Cole, while garnering the modern musings and charisma of a young John Legend.” Simon has a mantra he always keeps in mind: “Be soulful.” Check out his music at treysimonmusic.com.
Next up will be Jul Big Green. His online biography states he is “positive, out of the box, thought-provoking and always pushing the limits.”
Crossing genres has always been a mission throughout his musical journey, he stated. He is comfortable in a range of styles, from indie pop and hip-hop to jazzy acoustic. Check out his website at julbiggreen.com.
Goldblum is a bit more mysterious on what he is all about. On his Facebook page at facebook.com/goldblumband, he states: “It’s like we raise the dead in this town each and every night.”
There will be soft drinks, coffee and snacks for purchase at the event.
The Warehouse Venue is an entertainment spot that Button had in his mind to create for purposes like this. It is part of a long building that houses Harvest Christian Church, Harvey’s Thrift Store, Safe Haven 4 Kids of Michigan and the Warehouse Venue.
Button and his crew converted an industrial-style space into a great place to hang out and listen to some good music, he said. His goal is to have something going on at the venue each weekend and for it to be a safe place teens can hang out in and a safe place to go and just relax.
“I want a format that is open for kids to be themselves and find their passion,” he said. - The Voice
Just as exciting was the debut of the CLE Collective, a group composed of members of locals acts Tropidelic, Wanyama and Jul Big Green. A dozen musicians — including tuba and slide trombone players and a masked bongo player — took over Grog Shop stage, and floor at times, with a set of extended improvisational hip hop. The rotating cast of emcees traded verses with Jul Big Green’s staccato flow standing out from the pack. - Cleveland.com
Featured Artist – Jul Big Green
Jul Big GreenThis weeks featured artist "Jul Big Green" will make you want to kick back and relax all while bobbing your head slightly. This is definitely my kind of music. With music today being all about sex, hooking up, sex and hooking up, oh and guns(.) it's nice to hear something different and positive!! I'll let Mr. Green tell it like it is...
"Positive, Out of the box, thought provoking and always pushing the limits of crossing genres has always been a mission throughout my musical journey. Styles ranging from Indie Pop, Hip-Hop, and Jazzy Acoustic. Over these past few years it’s been hard to find a balance between all these styles and having a unique sound, because if I spread my music too thin I'll be all over the place and I'll fail from doing too much. But on the other hand if I keep it too simplistic then I'll sound like everyone else. Although I have various different sounds I feel as though I've developed a certain sound that will give familiarity no matter what style I may be playing." - Jul Big Green
There you have it! Another amazing featured artist here on the Indie Music Plus network! I personally love this dude and the vibe he brings with his music!!
What do you think? Comment below and get in touch on social media! Now hit play on some media below and check out Jul Big Green!
- JoeJoeKeys - JoeJoeKeys
His moniker came from his teen years.
"Though I was homeschooled, I ran unattached for the track team," said Twinsburg resident Jul Big Green. And the kids on the team call me that because of how much green I wore. But it wasn't until five years later that I would use it in my new stage name."
Green works for the Macedonia Recreation Center as an aquatic supervisor and water safety instructor, but has been looking to build a career in music. A step toward that goal was accomplished a few months ago, when he released his first EP, "All Things."
"I've played a bunch of cool coffee shops and establishments since the release of my album," Green said. "My favorites were The Foundry in Lakewood, The Warehouse in Michigan and I also got to headline this film festival in Florida. But I've had the chance to share the stage with Mercyme, Switchfoot, Badfish, and Eliot Sloan of Blessid Union of Souls. And later on this year I'll be performing on a cruise with Cody Simpson."
Green also recently played at Night Market Cleveland and the Akron Porch Rokr.
Touching lives through his music is Green's dream.
"I grew up around such diverse musicians that I never wanted to stay within one style or genre," he said. "One thing I can say is that it's 100 percent clean, my faith has a big impact on my style. I made this album to appeal to vast majorities, but even more so the younger generations. So I can show them, you can make good music without all the extra garbage."
Green said that he aimed to become a full time musician and DJ. And his dreams five years from now?
"Full-time musician, married, motivational speaker," he said. "Not necessarily in that order."
For details on Green visit julbiggreen.com or dropitindi.com online.
Email: ahelms@recordpub.com
Phone: 330-541-9438
twitter.com/AprilKHelms_RPC - Record Publishing Company
. - Indie Music Plus
by M. Sophie Hamad
Jul Big Green will be playing at our next Live @ Lock 4 event on July 21, so we decided to ask him a few questions about his music and what we can expect at the show. For more information about Jul Big Green, check out his website.
M. Sophie Hamad: Will you be performing with the band at the July 21 Live @ Lock 4 event, or will it be just you and the BOSS?
Jul Big Green: Depends on the money, haha just kidding it’s never about the money. But now that my bands getting a little more notoriety I try to call them play when I can pay them adequately. Although sometimes I like to stretch myself and play alone. My summer 16 goal is to match my solo show caliber with that of my band. (Which is ridiculous because my band slams)
MSH: How did you and your band members meet?
JBG: Easy. My bass player: is my brother. Guitar player: isn’t my brother (haha). My rhythm guitar/backup singer is an old time family friend. My drummer: I met at a jam session in a parking lot at my brother’s church.
MSH: What kinds of things inspire you to write music?
JBG: Life choices, especially the negative. Other people’s experiences (when my life is dull), YouTube videos too (cus there’s always something crazy on there). And topics people send to me.
MSH: Why did you decide to pursue a career as a musician?
JBG: Music runs deep in my family. I’ve been fantasizing about performing since I was a kid on my Sony Walkman singing to old DC talk tapes. But it wasn’t until I was in high school that I realized God really laid something dope out for me.
MSH: What should people expect at a typical Jul Big Green show?
JBG: Loud, green, and a blender mix of random genres.
MSH: Do you listen to music to get pumped before a show? If so, what?
JBG: Depends on the show, I used to listen to the opposite of what Music I was performing. So like when I used to do rap shows I’d listen to bubble pop like Aaron carter, or nsync. But now it’s whatever usually something chill and groovy.
MSH: What do you like to do besides make music?
JBG: I’m really active. Skated for 10+ years, I like baseball, bike riding, getting lost on YouTube, going out of town, and kicking it with 80 (gf).
MSH: Where can people purchase your music?
JBG: Anywhere on the interwebs. Amazon, iTunes, Soundcloud, Bandcamp etc. It’s really crazy all the different avenues you can take to get music. - The Devil's Strip
Brite Winter Fest 2017 Guide: The bands, beer, art and more
By Nikki Delamotte
cleveland.com Feb. 14, 2017
The free outdoor music and art celebration Brite Winter Festival rings in its eight year this Saturday, Feb. 18, from 3 p.m. to 1 a.m. Throughout the West Bank of the Flats, bands and musicians will perform on two large outdoor stages and four indoor stages. Art installations, fire pits and other interactive tents will entertain the crowds. Last year, the festival drew more than 20,000 attendees.
15 Bands to see: Jul Big Green
Jul Big Green
Ports Petroleum Stage at the Music Box Supper Club (Lower level)
8:50 p.m.
Multi-instrumental indie hip-hop ensemble Jul Big Green likes to keep things eclectic. Flowing from poppy to jazzy and back again, frontman Julien Huntley has spent the last years as a Cleveland chameleon, blending effortlessly onto rock lineups as easily as reggae. - Cleveland.com
All Things (8 Track EP) - Release Date May 31, 2015

Jul is a diverse musician from Cleveland, Ohio with styles that range from Pop-Rock, Hip-Hop, and Jazzy acoustic. Growing up in a musical family led him to develop a passion for the art at a young age. This passion would later drive him to receiving his B.A. from The University of Akron in music and also to start his solo and group projects under the name Jul Big Green. Through his music he conveys a positive message to his listeners while also giving them an enjoyable musical aspect. While he reaches to younger generations, his diverse arrangement of songs pulls in an even more diverse group of people.
“I have such a wide musical interest and I can’t pick just one style, so I figured why not make music for everybody…I want my music to be positive. I want my music to convey a positive, not to be confused with happy, message. Whether it’s Rock, Hip-Hop, Love or Pop Song.”
Jul can be seen performing either as a solo artist or with his full band at many locations around Cleveland and has also done several tours touching Florida, Michigan, and New York. This unique artist truly accomplishes his goal of having at least “one song for everyone”, so if you’re someone who can never decide what to listen to check out this artist.
Band Members