Sol Obscura
Orange, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
by Michael Haifl
July 9th, 2014
ENGLISH TRANSLATION by Bill Gallagher (original below)
Not exactly coming out of nowhere, this American trio is based in the Los Angeles area, more precisely Orange. The three musicians – Bird (guitar and vocals), Cane (bass), and Sam (drums) – have finally come together after many years of experience with other bands.
The music of Sol Obscura is extremely difficult to categorize. Even naming the groups that the band offers as influences doesn’t really help much (Tool, Faith No More, Alice In Chains, Animals As Leaders, Radiohead, old Metallica, Soundgarden, Dillinger Escape Plan, Gojira), since they are not readily recognizable in the songs themselves. One can only come to the conclusion that Sol Obscura already had a fully-developed sound and style when the band was born. With their musical mix, they could have been a band from the 90’s just as likely as an extraordinary contemporary group free from musical limitations and pressures, but with the hard sound of now. Even when Sol Obscura doesn’t quite reach the ingenuity of other outstanding bands, one finds faint footprints in the trails left by Last Crack, Saigon Kick, as well as King’s X.
From the very beginning, Sol Obscura paints memorable constellations in the heavens. “Being Nowhere” sounds somewhat like a mixture of Tool and Alice In Chains, or is it the spirit of the Holy Three Kings (with X at the end) that you sense ("I have the feeling I’m being nowhere, cannot find a fit, I have the feeling I’m being, washed out, wasted, I’m a blank slate")? An excellent song. Its follower, the incredibly nimble groove of “Home”, expresses an incomparable soulfulness in the vocals. Other stars are created with “Isle of Reil” and “Her Form”, but thoughtful compositions such as “Shadows in the Smoke”, “Soul”, as well as “That Man” are also completely convincing. The heights established at the very beginning of the album, that places Sol Obscura at a level above other prominent bands, is not consistent through to the end, but every track is distinct in its own way, worth exploring deeply, never disappointing to the listener.
“Rising” is an extraordinary album, from a fully realized band, with songs that demand exploration.
Aus dem puren Nichts kommt das amerikanische Trio SOL OBSCURA zwar nicht, stammt die Gruppe doch aus dem Großraum von Los Angeles, genauer gesagt aus Orange, geben die drei Musiker - Bird (Gitarre und Gesang), Cane (Bass) und Sam (Drums) - allerdings einzig und allein hinsichtlich ihrer Vorgeschichte preis, dass sie nach langjährigen Erfahrungen in anderen Bands endlich zueinander gefunden haben.
Die Musik von SOL OBSCURA ist äußerst schwer zu kategorisieren. Auch die Nennung der Gruppen, die die Band nach eigenen Angaben maßgeblich geprägt haben sollen, helfen dabei überhaupt nicht weiter (TOOL, FAITH NO MORE, ALICE IN CHAINS, ANIMALS AS LEADERS, RADIOHEAD, old METALLICA, SOUNDGARDEN, DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, GOJIRA), da sie im Songkontext nicht vordergründig erkennbar sind. Letztlich kann nur der Schluss gezogen werden, dass SOL OBSCURA bereits zu Beginn ihrer Bandgeschichte einen eigenen Sound und Stil entwickelt haben. Sie könnten mit ihrer musikalischen Mischung ebenso eine Band der 90er gewesen sein, als ehemals in diesen Jahren oftmals außergewöhnliche Gruppe frei von allen Grenzen und Zwängen musiziert haben - aber mit dem harten Sound der Jetzt-Zeit. Auch wenn SOL OBSCURA noch nicht ganz an die Genialität von manch herausragender Gruppe anknüpfen können, so sind doch weiterhin leichte Fußspuren zu den hinterlassenen Pfaden von LAST CRACK, SAIGON KICK sowie KING`S X zu erahnen.
Gleich zu Beginn malen SOL OBSCURA die ersten erinnerungswürdigen Sternenbilder an das Firmament. `Being Nowhere` klingt in etwa wie eine Mischung aus TOOL und ALICE IN CHAINS oder wird schon hier der Geist der Heiligen Drei Könige (mit dem X am Ende) spürbar ("I have the feeling I’m being nowhere, cannot find a fit, I have the feeling I’m being, washed out, wasted, I’m a blank slate")? Ein überragender Song. Im nachfolgenden sowie unfassbar leichtfüßig groovigen `Home` ist der Soul jedenfalls in der Stimme unvergleichlich. Mit `Isle Of Reil` und `Her Form` hat man noch weitere prägnante Fixsterne kreiert, doch auch feinfühligere Kompositionen wie `Shadows In The Smoke`, ´Soul´ sowie `That Man´ können gänzlich überzeugen. Das zu Beginn vorgelegte Niveau, das SOL OBSCURA in der Genialität mit den angesprochenen Bands locker auf eine Stufe hebt, kann zwar nicht fortwährend bis zum Ende gehalten werden, doch jedes Lied, so unterschiedlich von seiner Art, ist eine Entdeckung wert und wird den Connaisseur niemals enttäuschen.
`Rising` ist ein außergewöhnliches Album - einer vollkommen eigenständigen Band - mit Songs, die es unumstößlich zu erforschen gilt.
(8 Punkte) - Streetclip.tv
by Siggy Zielinski
June 22nd, 2014
ENGLISH TRANSLATION by Bill Gallagher (original below)
The trio Sol Obscura, based in California, clearly enjoys ironic humor. On the cover of the debut album “Rising” is a sun splashed desert, and the group’s name (translated from the Latin) means “Hidden Sun”. “Formed from the ashes of our forebearers… we come from the dust” intone the musicians, who do not reveal their last names, but do admit to having played in various previous projects and stress that, with Sol Obscura, they have finally gotten to where they want to be. The subtle implication is that this is the birth of a new form, stemming from numerous influences, to create a unique sound.
Sol Obscura’s most significant inspirations are Mastodon, Alice in Chains, Queens of the Stone Age, Tool, Animals as Leaders, Radiohead, Mr.Bungle, Faith No More, Tomahawk, older Metallica, A Perfect Circle, Soundgarden, Dillinger Escape Plan, Intronaut und Gojira. As is usually the case when naming influences, you may not necessarily hear much of these influences in their music.
If you don’t care to walk the tightrope between the various shades of Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, and Prog Metal, as well as that of progressive music in general, then you begin to comprehend the phenomenon that is Sol Obscura. You will actually hear traces of Sludge, Blues Rock, Hardcore Metal, Math Rock, Prog metal (including Dream Theater and even a bit from the school of Tool), Grunge and Post Rock all mixed in together.
Again and again I hear Alice In Chains and occasionally Faith No More in the vocal harmonies. Rhythmically, they will get funky for a moment, then wind their way towards Mastodon or Tool. At times, the extremely versatile drummer employs his doublebass, at other times he makes room for electronic rhythms.
In parts of “Shadows in the Smoke”, undistorted guitars create the sound imagery that brings to mind so-called Postrock. The mellower direction of “That Man”, which opens with delicate bass guitar notes and is embellished with sampled percussion sounds, truly shows off the trio’s versatility, as do the electro-rhythmic soundscapes of “The March”. Sol Obscura seems to love the contrasts between soft and hard, demonstrated throughout by a mixup of Hard Rock/Metal and the sweeter, more fragile parts of their compositions.
It appears to me that Sol Obscura strive to defy all stylistic descriptions, and create truly un-definable music, merging obvious progressive elements with their impressive technical abilities. They also have a well-developed ability to play off one another and to give each instrument equal space.
The quiet passages in many Sol Obscura tracks play an important role in their overall sound, but for fans of contemporary progressive metal in the style of Mastodon and Intronaut, you will be well served here.
Das Trio Sol Obscura ist in Kalifornien beheimatet und mag offenbar schrägen Humor. Auf dem Cover des Debütwerkes “Rising” sieht man eine sonnendurchflutete Wüste und das bei einer Gruppe, die (aus dem Lateinischen) übersetzt, „verdeckte Sonne“ heißt. „Formed from the ashes of our fore-bearers…we come from the dust“, meinen die Musiker, die ihre Nachnamen nicht nennen möchten, dafür aber angeben, vorher bei verschiedenen Projekten gespielt zu haben und nun andeuten, mit Sol Obscura endlich am Ziel angekommen zu sein. Da wird scheinbar augenzwinkernd eine Neugeburt von einer Formation inszeniert, die ihre zahlreichen Einflüsse zu einer eigenartigen Musik verarbeitet.
Zu den für Sol Obscura wichtigen Inspirationen zählen Mastodon, Alice in Chains, Queens of the Stone Age, Tool, Animals as Leaders, Radiohead, Mr.Bungle, Faith No More, Tomahawk, die alten Metallica, A Perfect Circle, Soundgarden, Dillinger Escape Plan, Intronaut und Gojira. Wie meistens bei der genannten Inspirationen der Fall, auch hier wird man bei weitem nicht alle diese Namen heraushören können.
Falls man aus diesen Namen eine Gratwanderung zwischen verschiedenen Schattierungen des Hard Rock, des Heavy Metal und des Progmetal sowie der progressiven Musik im Allgemeinen ableiten möchte, so beginnt man dem Phänomen Sol Obscura wahrscheinlich etwas näher zu kommen. Bei denen treffen tatsächlich Elemente von Sludge, Bluesrock, Hardcore Metal, Mathrock, Progmetal (sowohl der Dream Theater-, als auch der Tool-Schule), Grunge und Postrock aufeinander.
In den Gesangsharmonien höre ich immer wieder Alice in Chains, gelegentlich auch Faith No More heraus. Auf der rhythmischen Ebene wird es mal funkig, dann wieder verwinkelt wie bei Mastodon, oder bei Tool. Stellenweise setzt der sehr vielseitig agierende Schlagzeuger Doublebass-Drumming ein, an anderer Stelle darf er den elektronischen Rhythmen Platz machen.
In Teilen von „Shadows in the Smoke“ sorgen unverzerrte Gitarren für ein Klangbild, das von allen mir bekannten Klangbildern wohl am nächsten dem sog. Postrock stehen dürfte. Die melancholische Ausrichtung von „That man“, an dessen Anfang exponierte Bassgitarre und die wohl mit Hilfe der Samplingtechnik erzeugten Perkussionsklänge stehen, zeigt die Vielseitigkeit des Trios. Ebenso wie die elektronisch-rhythmischen Soundscapes von „The March“. Sol Obscura lieben Kontraste zwischen sanft und hart, deswegen werden sie wahrscheinlich die zahlreichen Übergänge zwischen Hardrock/Metal und den verspielt-zerbrechlichen Teilen in ihren Stücken untergebracht haben.
Mir scheint, dass Sol Obscura sich allen Stilbeschreibungen wiedersetzen möchten, indem sie eine recht schwer definierbare Musik mit beachtlichem Proganteil und beeindruckenden technischen Fähigkeiten kreieren. Auch die Fähigkeiten aufeinander zu hören und jedem Instrument seinen gleichberechtigten Freiraum zu lassen haben sie schon sehr weit entwickelt.
Wer auf neuartigen Progmetal in der Art von Mastodon und Intronaut steht, der wird hier schon mal bestens bedient. Allerdings spielen leisere Töne in vielen Sol Obscura-Stücken auch eine wichtige Rolle. - Babyblaue-Seiten Prog-Reviews
by Andreas Schiffmann
May 4th, 2014
ENGLISH TRANSLATION by Bill Gallagher (original below)
Coming completely out of nowhere, this U.S. trio takes us by surprise with a debut that surely many must have been longing for, maybe without even knowing it.
Why? Well, because SOL OBSCURA convey the atmosphere of the beautiful and unusual sounds of DEATH & TAXES or MAS OPTICA but do not sound exactly like them. For those not familiar with these names, maybe the eternal RUSH (as in the biting, hard-driving pair of songs "Being Nowhere" and "Isle of Reil") and FAITH NO MORE will provide a hint, especially in the quiet "Shadows In The Smoke" and "What Gives?" It’s almost like Mike Patton’s twin was involved here.
But there is so much more unpredictability in their game, whether referring to the harmonized vocals ("Shadows In The Smoke"), the extraordinary drum flourishes, or the colorful composition style of SOL OBSCURA , whether they take it smooth as in "Her Form" or the synthesizer-embellished "The March", or create a fascinating progressive epic as the highlight "Arise" and the swirling "We March". Judging by the imaginative and intelligent lyrics and spine-tingling sounds of "Soul", we get a real sense of this underground sensation.
NOTE: This album came to my attention in 2014, but it was released in 2013. Labels, sign them now, and just go get SOL OBSCURA! [available at Amazon ]
Völlig aus dem Nichts überrumpelt dieses US-Trio mit einem Debüt, auf das mancher sehnsüchtig gewartet haben muss, ohne sich dessen bewusst gewesen zu sein.
Warum? Na, weil SOL OBSCURA das Flair schöner Seltenheiten wie DEATH & TAXES oder MAS OPTICA vermitteln und doch nicht genauso wie diese klingen. Wem diese Namen schleierhaft vorkommen, der darf auch die ewigen RUSH (höre das bissige, treibend eingängige Doppel aus "Being Nowhere" und "Isle Of Reil") sowie FAITH NO MORE heranziehen, die speziell im ruhigen "Shadows In The Smoke" und während "What Gives?" (man meint fast, es mit einem Doppelgänger von Mike Patton zu tun zu haben) anklingen.
Aber da ist so viel mehr Unberechenbarkeit im Spiel, sei es hinsichtlich des harmonisierten Gesang ("Shadows In The Smoke"), der überdurchschnittlich verspielten Schlagzeug-Kapriolen oder bunten Kompostionsweise von SOL OBSCURA, ob sie es wavig angehen lassen wie mit "Her Form" sowie dem von Synthesizern geprägten "The March" oder proggig episch wie im Glanzlicht "Arise" und den quirligen "We March"-Teilen. Ziehen wir fantasievoll intelligente Texte und einen Gänsehaut-Song wie "Soul" hinzu, ist die Untergrund-Sensation perfekt.
FAZIT: Aufgrund latenten Zu-Spät-Hörens eines der Alben 2014, die schon 2013 herausgekommen sind. Labels, signen sie jetzt, und zwar SOL OBSCURA! [Album bei Amazon kaufen] - Musikreviews.de
by Michael Chen
March 26th, 2014
Outside of a lockout studio, you’ll find the members of Sol Obscura practicing and refining their music. The Orange County-based band will be bringing it’s talent to Cal State Fullerton’s Becker Amphitheater Wednesday.
They bring their broad musical range to campus, taking elements from metal, progressive rock, blues, melodic rock, ambient, experimental and even stoner rock genres.
Sol Obscura is made up of three members: Brent Walker, on bass and vocals, Jesse Eyserbeck, on guitar and vocals and Sam Bogle, on drums. All three members of Sol Obscura are local and ready to rock at CSUF.
Walker is originally from San Diego but moved to Orange County where he has lived for 15 years. He has a strong passion for making art through the music he and his bandmates create. Eyserbeck grew up in San Pedro, but has lived in Orange for about 11 years now, and Bogle is originally from New Orleans, but grew up in Anaheim Hills.
Music has been a major influence for each of the band members throughout their lives.
“All of us have been inspired by music from an early age,” Walker said. “Sam’s been playing drums since he was little. Jesse and I have been playing our respective instruments since our early teen years.”
The members of Sol Obscura’s musical taste spans a broad spectrum. They do not limit their personal listening to any particular genre of music nor do they let one specific genre dominate their musical style.
“Although our music is hard rock based, we all love a variety of genres. We don’t just listen to hard rock,” Walker said. “We collectively like electronic and it’s sub genres. Jesse is big into drum and bass. I’ve always liked a lot of old punk music. Sam has an ear for classical as well as some harder jam bands.”
Considering the wide variety of genres the band members do have an appreciation for, it is easier to list what genres they do not like, which is mostly Top 40, pop and modern country, Walker said. However, he said there are always exceptions.
The band covers many genres of music and they strive to create art with every song they create. They do not follow any theme nor do they conform to a specific genre that has preset boundaries.
“We strive to create music that excites us. And we try to push the boundaries of our creativity while also having a product that is listenable and enjoyable,” Walker said. “Many bands are into making music that is so out there that it’s not for mass consumption, math rock bands, progressive bands. Bands with 20 time changes per song. Jesse, Sam and I love this type of music as well, but we prefer to be somewhere in between.”
Practice makes perfect, and the members of the band collectively agree that with practice, their music only gets better.
Sol Obscura will perform at the Becker Amphitheater at noon. - Daily Titan, Cal State University Fullerton
Rising, May 2013

Each member of Sol Obscura has a deep passion for music. Most people you might meet claim to love music… and that may very well be true. But for us, it is a desire rooted in the artistry of the word. Music is in our blood.
This project is the culmination of years playing in other bands, practicing our craft, appreciating new and unique ways of making sound, and learning to communicate musically with one another. Each of us comes with a background of vast influences… not just rock-based music. Which is evident from track to track, each of which may express a different genre from the next. Whether it's progressive metal or blues, experimental rock or ambient exploration, we don't like to limit ourselves to just one sound. And although we share a lot of influences in common, we like to think that our different tastes are what make us a much stronger and more unique machine.
Our hope with our music is not to be the next big thing… but simply to inspire and entertain. Whether we do that with an emotionally transcending soundscape, or with a gut-punching, ear crunching, hit to the senses, we hope you will enjoy it as much as we love writing and performing for all of you.
We are Sol Obscura and this is our art.
Band Members