Michele McTierney
Baltimore, Maryland, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2005 | SELF | AFM
"This searing song punches through the airwaves with biting lyrics that take being jaded to a whole new level! Your visceral attacks on the love that tore your heart up embody the emotions of every single person, woman or man, who has been crushed. The music starts off as a very mellow, somber tune that kicks into a sonic rant fueled by aggression. The title couldn’t be any better if you wrote it across the ex-lover’s forehead and photographed his head on your wall as the album cover. This is pure sonic magic."
"Everything about the mechanics of this song are perfect, from the emotionally charged vocals to the magnificent instrumental performances, from the creative melodies to the smooth arrangement."
"It is rare that I have the privilege to review such great works of art. You have a potential hit on your hands!"
- Song of the Year Contest 2008
"You have a wonderful talent for lyrical imagery, and there are some truly excellent lines in this song."
"Level of the lyric...is very impressive. You definately have talent. Keep writing!"
"Funny shit!"
"Wow, excellent writing!"
"Great imagery!"
"Good memorable hook"
"I really like where you're going w/ this one, nice original yet identifiable theme & I like the detail & imagery in your lyric."
- Great American Song Contest 2007
Karaoke SuperStar Finalist - Royal Caribbean Cruise 9/20/07 "Son of a Preacherman" - Royal Caribbean Cruise 2007
Michele McTierney has been selected as a "Runner Up" in the December 2007 round of the Song of the Year song and lyric competition. Song of the Year receives entries from all over the world and only the top entries achieve Runner Up status.
For more information about Michele McTierney please visit: www.michelemctierney.com.
- VH1 Song of the Year Contest
2007 Open Mike Melee Contest - An Poitin Stil (The 'Stil') FIRST PLACE by AUDIENCE VOTES - An Poitin Stil
12/02/2007 Open Mike Contest - James Joyce FIRST PLACE WINNER - James Joyce
Here’s what critics, musicians, music professionals, fans and friends have to say about Michele and her music:
“Michele McTierney is one of brightest and innovative new talents to come out of the Baltimore/DC area in ages. Awesome songs with an incredibly seamless and credible blending of musical pop styles, of which one rarely hears. She simply doesn’t seem to care where the music came from, but is much more interested in where it’s going…and to make damn sure it helps make her point. It’s like all of it, music, musicians, producer, you name it, are being channeled to helping her convey her message, and in an insanely irresistible pop stew that has you dancing and singing along consciously or not. She is…the ultimate puppet-master, and a true artist with few peers” – Marco Delmar, Producer & Owner, Recording Arts LLC
“Michele’s music will get your attention and her lyrics will pull you all the way in. One listen to her heart and you will be a fan. Sit back and enjoy the wild ride that is “Michele McTierney”!!!” – JT Hollis, Singer-Songwriter, Co-Host of The Sully Show on MoreLikeRadio.com
“I have never seen anyone as passionate and dedicated to their music as much as Michele. She puts everything she has into making her music the best it can be. She can belt out a hard driving song with clarity and strength that will blow you away or can have you feeling every note on a slow soulful tune. Michele strength is not just in her vocals, but it’s also her songwriting ability. Her witty and crafty lyrics is reminiscent of legendary 80’s British wit masters Nick Drake, PJ Harvey, Billy Bragg and Kate Bush, with the fresh appeal of our world today. You won’t be disappointed in this CD.” – Matthew Bathurst, Musician, Songwriter
“It’s been a pleasure to watch Michele grow into such a unique and captivating artist. Her strong vocals and great stage presence are what Michele McTierney so much fun to listen to.” – Ernie Fowler, Singer-Songwriter, Promoter
“Silver-voiced Michele McTierney is by turns Tender, Vulnerable, Beautiful, Heart-rending, Bold, Funny, Authentic, and above all, Passionate— Michele’s soulful expression of her inner beauty, singing and songwriting in her new album, “A Work In Progress”, is a beautiful musical journey, masterfully produced by Marco Delmar.” – Rebekah Eden, singer/composer
“She sings what all of us have felt but have the restraint and common sense not to say. I love her music!” – Virginia McLucas
“Michele’s music is genuine and based on her life experiences more so than most music out today. She has a soulful voice with outstanding song lyrics. This is a song collection from a person who has experienced both the great and terrible parts of life, as we all have. This makes connecting with her music very easy and enjoyable.” – Hank Yates, Hillbilly Nerd Talk show
“Michele’s music captures a perfect balance between pop/rock, while providing a bit of snarky and edgy dialect that tells the story of an awesome transformation into who she is today.” – Robbie Whiplash, Limited Moon Productions, NeckBrace Studios, Composer
“Energy, passion, talent is what Michele and this record is all about. Her lyrics and music are a perfect mix for great pop songs with a bit of an attitude! Michele is a joy to work with and deserves all her success.” – Doug Wilson, Musician, Songwriter
“Michele puts her all into her work and truly sings from the heart. Her music is only surpassed by her beauty, inside and out.” – Kevin Murphy
“Michele’s unique personality shines through in her songwriting. She incorporates intelligent lyrics with catchy hooks which she delivers with attitude and her amazing voice.” – Gregg Picard, Musician, Songwriter
“As a veteran (live & session) guitarist, songwriter, engineer & producer, I see a world full of cookie cutter pop singers, who are far more style than substance and television talent shows, with contestants who are here today & gone later today. Michelle McTierney is not only a breath of fresh air, but a reminder that music should be about heart, passion and talent! Michelle’s compelling voice, combines with songs to stir your heart and hooks that will inspire your feet along with your ear. You owe it to your soul to give this natural talent a listen.” Mark Gabrich, Guitarist, Songwriter, Engineer & Producer
“I first met Michele on an internet radio broadcast on Skype. After being initially struck by her beauty I was more impressed with her smarts, charm and sense of humor. Mind you this is before I heard a note of her music. The two songs I heard her sing that day with her amazing voice made me laugh, get a little sweaty and lastly made my cry. The raw frankness of her lyrics are amazing and unforgettable. She gained a lifelong fan that day.” – Andrew Black, Co-Host of Hollz and Rorschach
Michele’s music is so refreshing because she sings from her heart. You can hear her pain and joy in the songs she is singing which helps the listener relate to her music. Her music is unique and captivating! – Bobbie Combs
“Energy, passion, talent is what Michele and this record is all about. Her lyrics and music are a perfect mix for great pop songs with a bit of an attitude! Michele is a joy to work with and deserves all her success.” – Doug Wilson, Musician
“Michele is always in good spirits and true to her craft. Her music is raw, emotional, and even a little funny. She provides a perfect blend of 90’s alternative, pop, and singer-songwriter into her music. Her music is relatable and brutally honest. I constantly have a song stuck in my head.” – Joe Sharpe, Singer-Songwriter, Musician
“Michele is an incredibly courageous person who has had to overcome so many obstacles to pursue her talent. [She] has not let anything hold her back. She’s an incredibly talented musician and song writer. Her songs are thought provoking, entertaining and fun! They are a fresh, unique sound. Her talent should propel her to great success!”- Liz Dumont, Personal Trainer, Owner Bariatric Boot Camp
I’ve known Michele since college and have always admired her creativity and bravery; in her music, theatre and in life. I love hearing her music and being able to hear the stories I know from her life come through. I pledgesd to her kickstarter campaign, because I’m excited to hear the album she’s put her heart and soul into for so long, and I ‘d like others to get to hear her too. – Karen Poggi
“She is a breath of fresh air. A humble energy that will soon one day touch the hearts of many people thru her gift of song.” – Jesse Rommel, Singer, Songwriter
“Michele has a very unique voice. It seems like a cross between Adele and Dolores O’Riordan of the Cranberries. She has come a long way from beating me in a Karaoke contest on a Cruise Ship. Furthermore, she brings back the singer/songwriter feeling from the 70’s with a contemporary beat. Buy her CD, you won’t be disappointed. She is destined for great things in the future!” – Tony Trey
“Wow, excellent writing! You have a wonderful talent for lyrical imagery, and there are some truly excellent lines in this song. Nice original yet identifiable theme… Good memorable hook. Level of the lyric…is very impressive. You definitely have talent. Keep writing! Funny $*&%!” – Evaluations from Great American Song of the Year Contest for the song, “Crushing Guilty”
“This searing song punches through the airwaves with biting lyrics that take being jaded to a whole new level! Your visceral attacks on the love that tore your heart up embody the emotions of every single person, woman or man, who has been crushed. The music starts off as a very mellow, somber tune that kicks into a sonic rant fueled by aggression. The title couldn’t be any better if you wrote it across the ex-lover’s forehead and photographed his head on your wall as the album cover. This is pure sonic magic. Everything about the mechanics of this song are perfect, from the emotionally charged vocals to the magnificent instrumental performances, from the creative melodies to the smooth arrangement. It is rare that I have the privilege to review such great works of art. You have a potential hit on your hands!” – Evaluation, Great American Song of the Year Contest “If You Were Dead” - Multiple
Songwriter Michele McTierney Reflects On Upcoming Album
by Kerry Muir
A 1950s jukebox casts an Edward Hopper-esque light on the Formica tabletop in front of singer/songwriter Michele McTierney. In the pink neon glow, the songstress pulls back her sleeve, revealing the inside of one wrist, where she has a strategically placed tattoo of a short phrase in Latin, the block letters all uppercased: NOLI TIMERE. CREDE TANTUM.
What’s that mean?
In a South Baltimore diner, it’s late. Most of the patrons have gone home, and one haggard employee is already trotting out a vacuum cleaner. The place is winding down. But McTierney has energy to burn. Her blue-green eyes, meticulously edged with black liquid liner, practically leap out of her face. They’re Elizabeth Taylor eyes, hypnotic and reminiscent of the ocean.
McTierney sips her coffee and translates the words ingrained in her flesh. “Fear not. Just believe.”
McTierney’s new album, “A Work In Progress” (no, it’s not a work in progress; that’s just its title, reflecting her current Zen-beginner’s state of mind) is a polished tour de force containing a rich tapestry of multilayered tracks with orchestral leanings, produced by D.C.-based, Wammy Award-winning producer Marco Delmar.
“I’m a work in progress,” McTierney said. “I have to be in the moment and appreciate where I am right now. I need to think, ‘I’m OK right now. I’m good.’”
She takes another sip of coffee, her focus directed inward for a moment. She takes a breath, looks back up again. “I’m good right now,” she repeats. It’s an incantation, a mantra.
McTierney grew up in Germantown, a suburb of Washington, D.C., and moved with her family to Severna Park at the age of 8. Her mother was a classically trained Shakespearean actress who lit up the stage in both classical and modern plays before settling down to start a family; McTierney’s father, a proponent of housing for the homeless, worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
It sounds like an innocuous enough beginning: two parents — educated, artsy, humanitarian. But there were problems afoot. For one, there was school bullying. For another, there was clinical depression (a constant companion to McTierney after the onset of puberty). Perhaps most significantly, there was her mother’s own struggle with manic depression.
The eldest of three siblings, McTierney felt her mom’s mood swings acutely. And, like kids do, she blamed herself for them. After all, hadn’t her mother given up a successful acting career in order to have a family? There was guilt (scratch that, a lot of guilt), followed by depression and its evil twin, addiction. In McTierney’s case, the addictive substance was food — she suffered from compulsive eating, borderline anorexia and bulimia.
Meanwhile, music anchored McTierney. She’d always liked singing. Her parents felt most pop music was inappropriate, but even as a little kid, she’d covertly tune into the airwaves when she was by herself, belting her lungs out along with the reigning pop divas of the day: Madonna, Irene Cara, Pat Benatar, Laura Branigan, Cyndi Lauper and Annie Lennox, with her orange crew cut and rebellious attitude.
“All these great strong female vocalists, they had such passion and they told it like it was, no holds barred,” McTierney said. “I always thought that was so incredibly brave. I mean, to me, they were storytellers. I loved them.”
In high school, McTierney found a safe haven in the marching band (she played flute), and, under the tutelage of Severna Park High School band leader R. Thomas Powell, gained exposure to all types of music: classical, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and musical theater scores.
She studied what made a song great. Afterward, she attended the University of Notre Dame, scraping by on scholarships, work-study and student loans. Sophomore year was spent in France, where she sang karaoke and dabbled with songwriting on the banks of the Seine. McTierney got hip to Nina Simone, Muddy Waters and Tom Waits, “singers with voices that have character,” she said. In Europe, McTierney felt comfortable in her own skin for the first time in her life.
But when she returned to the states, she lost her mojo. Unresolved emotional issues from her past were piling up, taking a toll. A series of mind-dulling corporate jobs, a gnarly divorce and a slip-shod doctor who doled out pharmaceuticals like Halloween candy (at one point, McTierney was prescribed more than 10 different medications for anxiety and depression, simultaneously) finally pushed her over the edge.
As the nonstop parade of meds tilted her body chemistry to extremes, McTierney’s problems took on a physical form; her weight topped 450 pounds when she stepped on the scale. “I woke up one morning in 2013, contemplating suicide,” McTierney said, reliving the nightmare out loud. “I’m over 450 pounds. I can barely get out of bed. I can barely sing a three-minute song seated, and I’m thinking, ‘How did I get here? How am I going to dig myself out of this hole?’”
Someone else might have curled up into a ball and gone back to bed, but not McTierney. She got herself a food journal, a pair of tennis shoes, and threw herself headlong into writing songs and singing. She found a voice teacher, Annie Eidolon, who affirmed her talent. She sensed it was do-or-die at this point. Either she’d emerge from her shell, or risk being engulfed by it.
“I saw [my mother], how not following her dreams and not asking for help, affected her … I never wanted that to happen to me,” McTierney said. “So I just thought, ‘I have to make a change,’ you know?”
The years 2013 to 2015 proved pivotal for McTierney. She lost more than 230 pounds. She got her depression in check and gave her mad-scientist doctor the pink slip. And on top of everything, she recorded a new debut album, “A Work In Progress,” comprising 12 tracks and 10 original songs, due out at the end of October.
Transcending genres, her music blurs clear-cut genre lines, spanning pop, reggae and R&B, as well as indie and alt-rock. The one constant in the mix, ever-present, is the element of unapologetic, unabashed emotion; the songs reveal McTierney up close and personal, scars and all. Her song lyrics tackle a wide range of topics, running the gamut from the darkly comedic (celebrity infatuation in “Crushing Guilty”), to the deeply serious (domestic violence in “Shut My Mouth,” and her battle with depression in “Courage”).
“It’s hard to be revealing and kind of confessional in my songs,” McTierney said with a shrug, “but I feel like, hey, if it can help somebody else – if they can be inspired or even just amused, like they can listen to ‘Crushing Guilty’ and just laugh — if that helps them get through the day, then I feel like I’ve done my job.”
For more about Michele McTierney, visit www.michelemctierney.com.
– See more at: http://www.severnaparkvoice.com/arts-entertainment/songwriter-michele-mctierney-reflects-upcoming-album#sthash.NERVR573.dpuf - Severna Park Voice Newspaper - Michele McTierney feature story
Frozen Harbor Festival & Album – February Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 6, 2016
Album Release & Frozen Harbor Music Festival
Baltimore, MD, February 6, 2015 – Local singer-songwriter, Michele McTierney has completed recording her debut album, “A Work in Progress” and will be performing at the Frozen Harbor Music Festival on February 20, 2016 at Tin Roof, Power Plant Live! Baltimore. Tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/michele-mctierney-frozen-harbor-festival-feb-20-pass-tickets-20920628162.
Michele McTierney blends powerful, emotionally charged vocals, edgy, infectious pop rock music with a wonderful talent for lyrical imagery, creating an album that is a true work of art. Michele’s personal story is revealed in each song, from her inspiring journey of losing over 230 lbs. in the two years recording this album and following her dream to become a singer-songwriter, to her struggle with depression and surviving trauma and heartache. “A Work in Progress” is a spectacular musical tour de force, exposing the vulnerabilities of the heart and the strength of the human spirit with honesty, humor and passion.
Produced by Marco Delmar, twelve (12) time “Producer of the Year” recipient by Washington Area Music Association (WAMA) http://wamadc.com, the album was recorded and mixed at Recording Arts, LLC in Fairfax, VA.
“Michele McTierney is one of the brightest and innovative new talents to come out of the Baltimore/DC area in ages. Awesome songs with an incredibly seamless and credible blending of musical pop styles. It’s…an insanely irresistible pop stew that has you dancing and singing along consciously or not.” – Marco Delmar, Producer & Owner, Recording Arts LLC http://www.recordarts.com
The album, “A Work in Progress”, includes ten (10) original songs, totaling twelve (12) tracks: “Crushing Guilty”, “Shut My Mouth”, “If You Were Dead”, “Polaroid”, “Drain”, “Courage” (two versions), “Collegiate”, “No Such Thing”, “Built” (two versions) and “Egotistical Girl”. All music and lyrics are written by Michele McTierney.
Michele describes her journey recording her album:
“Music and art affect us in profound ways; teaching us, inspiring us and uplifting us- connecting us so we don’t feel so alone. I am the person I am today because of the amazing journey recording this album. Two years ago, I weighed over 450 lbs., was struggling with severe depression and health problems and was contemplating suicide. I woke up one morning, intent to make a change or die trying. Music saved me and this album gave me a goal and the courage to change my life. Today, I have completed recording an album I am proud of; I have lost over 230 lbs. and am healthy both mentally and physically. For the first time in my life, I am truly happy. Music brought me out of the darkness and into the light. By sharing this album, I hope I can tell a story that resonates with people and helps them in the same way.”
Others describe Michele and her music:
“She sings what all of us have felt but have the restraint and common sense not to say. I love her music!” – Virginia McLucas
“Michele’s music captures a perfect balance between pop/rock, while providing a bit of snarky and edgy dialect that tells the story of an awesome transformation into who she is today.” – Robbie Whiplash, Composer, Limited Moon Productions, NeckBrace Studios
“Michele’s music will get your attention and her lyrics will pull you all the way in. One listen to her heart and you will be a fan. Sit back and enjoy the wild ride that is “Michele McTierney”!!!” – JT Hollis, Singer-Songwriter, Co-Host of The Sully Show on MoreLikeRadio.com
“As a veteran (live & session) guitarist, songwriter, engineer & producer, I see a world full of cookie cutter pop singers, who are far more style than substance. Michele McTierney is… a breath of fresh air. You owe it to your soul to give this natural talent a listen.” Mark Gabrich, Guitarist-Songwriter, Engineer, Producer
“Michele’s strength is not just in her vocals, but it’s also her songwriting ability. Her witty and crafty lyrics are reminiscent of legendary 80’s British wit masters Nick Drake, PJ Harvey, Billy Bragg and Kate Bush, with the fresh appeal of our world today. You won’t be disappointed in this CD.” – Matthew Bathurst, Musician-Songwriter
“The raw frankness of her lyrics is amazing and unforgettable.” – Andrew Black, Co-Host of Hollz and Rorschach on MoreLikeRadio.com
“Energy, passion, talent is what Michele and this record is all about. Her lyrics and music are a perfect mix for great pop songs with a bit of an attitude!” – Doug Wilson, Musician
# #
If you would like more information about this topic, please email: press@michelemctierney.com or booking@michelemctierney.com
Severna Park Voice Article: http://www.severnaparkvoice.com/arts-entertainment/songwriter-michele-mctierney-reflects-upcoming-album
Social Media:
• http://www.soundcloud.com/michele-mctierney
• http://www.reverbnation.com/michelemctierney
• http://www.youtube.com/user/michelemmusic
• http://www.facebook.com/michelemmusic
• http://www.twitter.com/michelemmusic
• http://www.instagram.com/michelemmusic - Press Release
My song "Crushing Guilty" was featured on Delmarva Music Radio today! Starting at 29.30 . Thank you so much to Rick and his co-hosts! I'm so honored by their kind words and enthusiasm for the album.
Here's a quote from Host, Rick Roberts :
"Crushing Guilty. Holy Cow! [Michele's music] is like taking No Doubt, Garbage, Sneaker Pimps... and a little bit of MXPX. She's got it all. She has the way to make hit music. We are going to be playing more of her music as the year goes on! She's hot!"" - Rick Roberts, DelmarvaMusicRadio.com
http://www.spreaker.com/user/originalrik/006-thedmr-proverbial-chutes-and-ladders - Multiple
Hillbilly Nerd Talk - August 9, 2015
https://youtu.be/rMzabrjXF4o - HillbillyNerdTalk.cpm
Two Bros Sports Show Nov 2014
https://youtu.be/zgnlsbCPEfI - Two Bros Sports Show
- The Sully Show - Morelikeradio.com December 2015
- The Rooney & Paul Show - August 2015
- The Sully Show - Morelikeradio.com August 2015
- Hollz and Rorshach Show - Morelikeradio.com August 2015
- The Sully Show - June 2014 - https://youtu.be/eqTIm5q43dk - Multiple
2015 - A Work in Progress
Michele McTierney blends powerful, emotionally charged vocals, edgy, infectious pop rock music with a wonderful talent for lyrical imagery, creating an album that is a true work of art. Michele’s personal story is revealed in each song, from her inspiring journey of losing over 230 lbs. in the two years recording this album and following her dream to become a singer-songwriter, to her struggle with depression and surviving trauma and heartache. “A Work in Progress” is a spectacular musical tour de force, exposing the vulnerabilities of the heart and the strength of the human spirit with honesty, humor and passion.
Produced by Marco Delmar, twelve (12) time “Producer of the Year” recipient by Washington Area Music Association (WAMA) http://wamadc.com, the album was recorded and mixed at Recording Arts, LLC in Fairfax, VA.
“Michele McTierney is one of the brightest and innovative new talents to come out of the Baltimore/DC area in ages. Awesome songs with an incredibly seamless and credible blending of musical pop styles. It’s…an insanely irresistible pop stew that has you dancing and singing along consciously or not.” – Marco Delmar, Producer & Owner, Recording Arts LLC http://www.recordarts.com
The album, “A Work in Progress”, includes ten (10) original songs, totaling twelve (12) tracks: “Crushing Guilty”, “Shut My Mouth”, “If You Were Dead”, “Polaroid”, “Drain”, “Courage” (two versions), “Collegiate”, “No Such Thing”, “Built” (two versions) and “Egotistical Girl”. All music and lyrics are written by Michele McTierney.

Michele McTierney (Singer-Songwriter)
blends powerful, emotionally charged vocals, edgy, infectious pop rock music with a wonderful talent for lyrical imagery into a true work of art. Michele’s personal story is revealed in each song, from her inspiring journey of losing over 230 lbs in two years recording her album, following her dream to become a singer-songwriter, her struggle with depression and surviving trauma and heartache. “A Work in Progress” is a spectacular musical tour de force, exposing the vulnerabilities of the heart and the strength of the human spirit with honesty, humor and passion.
Her dynamic stage presence and connection to audiences, commands attention and draws people into a truly captivating performance. She’s playing Frozen Harbor Music Festival and has opened for Sam Grow, performed at many local venues and charity events. Promoters, venues and press/media outlets say Michele is an artist watch and hail her album as a hit. Michele and her album were featured in the Severna Park Voice Newspaper and her album is available on www.cdbaby.com/cd/michelemctierney .
Born in DC, raised in Maryland, she currently resides in Baltimore City. A long-time, seasoned singer-songwriter, musician and performer, Michele’s, songs are confessional, some cheeky and humorous, others very dark and serious, with topics ranging from love and sex to domestic violence and her struggles with depression. Michele participated in several music, choral and theatre activities throughout her childhood and attended Severna Park High School, playing flute in the SPHS Marching Band, under Band Director
R. Thomas Powell.
A University of Notre Dame grad, she spent her sophomore year in France, delving deeply into songwriting and singing as a cathartic method of expression. Michele’s impressive, trained vocal range balances extreme passion and strength with vulnerability, honed under vocal coaches Annie Eidolon, Carol Westcott and currently Rebekah Eden. Her original songs blur a defined genre, blending the organic sound of real musicians with digital sequencing and programming to create a unique, multi-layered sound with orchestral leanings that spans pop, rock, alternative, reggae and R&B. Check out Michele and her band performing on her Courage Tour 2016.
Michele also started and hosts the monthly Baltimore Songwriters Showcase. The showcases enable local songwriters and musicians to perform their original songs and network. They also provide exposure to up and coming talent and elevates audience expectations and palates of what real music and art is.
“Michele McTierney is one of the brightest and innovative new talents to come out of the Baltimore/DC area in ages. Awesome songs with an incredibly seamless and credible blending of musical pop styles. It’s…an insanely irresistible pop stew that has you dancing and singing along consciously or not.” – Marco Delmar, Producer & Owner, Recording Arts LLC, Marco Delmar, twelve (12) time “Producer of the Year” recipient by Washington Area Music Association (WAMA).
Band Members