Brockton, Massachusetts, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2016 | SELF | AFM
Evolix want to get you addicted — if not to the chaos of love, then to their hooky dance music. Comprised of siblings Alexis and Korina Kotsiopoulos, the Boston-based contemporary pop duo follow up their multiple 2018 singles with “All My Life,” out today (April 5). Glittering with all the colors of a mainstream pop song, the new tune meets all the requirements for being radio-ready: Fresh female vocals, a club-y chorus, and Chainsmokers-esque production with added flair.
“All My Life” is meant to bring to mind the highs and lows of potential love. Many have had an experience where they are head over heels for someone even though that person may be untrustworthy or may not be the best for them,” Evolix tell Vanyaland. “Writing this song, we wanted our audience to feel those spiraling emotions of an addictive love.” - Vanyaland Magazine
Boston-based dance-pop duo Evolix, comprised of sisters Alexis and Korina Kotsiopoulos, have today released their new single called "All My Life." Produced by Devin Kennedy, who was recently awarded "Best New Emerging Artist" by the Hollywood Music in Media Awards, the song was inspired by the idea of a risky and questionable relationship. "All My Life" explores the concept of taking a gamble, leaping into the unknown, even when there is a feeling of uncertainty from the beginning. - Wonky Sensitive
Evolix is a pop group comprised of two siblings – Alexis and Korina. The Boston natives officially began releasing songs under their current stage moniker in 2016. Having drawn influence from recording artists like Zedd, Jessie J and Dua Lipa – their original compositions primarily consist of dance-pop and R&B.
“We have always been drawn to mainstream pop radio as well as danceable club music. As a result, we have tried to recreate those beats and rhythms to use in our music and use that as a basis to create something new and unique,”
The duo’s latest release is called ‘All My Life.’ Produced by Devin Kennedy, this track is a romantic tale about overcoming considerable emotional whiplash in order to finally come to grips with the feelings that she has for a love interest. - Niji Magazine
Am 5. April wurde “All My Life“ von Evolix veröffentlicht. Wie man an den Streaming-Zahlen sieht, kann der Track seine Vorgänger schlagen, Tendenz steigend. Kein Wunder, haben wir hier doch eine erstklassige Future Pop-Produktion vorliegen, die mit ihrer eingängigen Melodie sich sofort im Ohr fest setzt und zwei hervorragende Sängerinnen am Start hat!
Evolix - All My Life
Hinter Evolix stecken die Geschwister Alexis und Korina Kotsiopoulos. Die Damen aus Boston veröffentlichten 2016 ihre ersten Songs, die mit ihren ausgefallenen Dance-Pop-Arrangements und Sängerinnen mit Wiedererkennungswert ihre Originalität bewiesen. Neben den Vocals, die von beiden bestritten werden, kümmert sich Korina in erster Linie um das Songwriting und ist zudem am Piano tätig. Alexis ist als Editor die nötige Stütze ihrer Schwester, um ihre Visionen auszuarbeiten. Nach der selbst betitelten 4-Track-EP erschienen im letzten Jahr weitere vier Nummern, die den originellen Sound von Evolix zeitgemäß fort führten.
Der neue Song “All My Life“ erzählt über eine Person, welche in der Vergangenheit schlechte Beziehungserfahrungen gemacht hat und sich selber überwinden muss, um einer neuen Liebe wieder vertrauen zu können. Nachdem introvertierende Dance-Sounds den Song mit dem prägnanten Refrain beginnen, wird in der nächsten Passage Strophe und Bridge angestimmt, die wie die ganze Komposition auf Topline-Level geschrieben worden ist und durch den teilweise mehrstimmigen Gesang von Alexis und Korona ihre einzigartige Note findet. Im weiteren Verlauf blüht das Arrangement immer weiter auf und vermischt gekonnt trendige Future Pop- und Tropical House-Klänge. Nach dem Refrain folgt ein tanzbarer Drop mit Adlips, bevor nach drei Strophen sich Chorus und Drop vereinen und auf den Höhepunkt zusteuern. - Dance-Charts
Contemporary Pop group Evolix is back with their new single All My Life, a track that knows to impress. The vocal performance is very good, it caught my attention right away Beside, the catchy vibes are unreal, you will sing along in no time!
All My Life has all the elements of a perfect track, so make sure to stream it as soon as possible and feel free to sing along!
Do not hesitate and add All My Life to your playlist(s). - LEFUTUREWAVE
Still working on that hot first release.

Evolix is a contemporary pop group comprised of two siblings named Alexis and Korina. The Boston natives officially began releasing songs under their current stage moniker during the year 2016. Having drawn a significant amount of influence from recording artists like Zedd, Jessie J and Dua Lipa—their original compositions primarily consist of dance-pop and EDM. “Evolix strives to make a global impact where the lives of all are affected in some way by the empowering messages we are trying to promote,” said Korina.
Although both members contribute to Evolix equally, Korina is the principal songwriter of the group. She has built her foundation of lyrical content upon love, empowerment, heartbreak and other life experiences that teenagers face-- such as depression. The band’s other lead vocalist, Alexis, often provides the aesthetic characteristics that enhance her younger sister’s vision. “Because Korina and I are so close, we are able to play to each other's strengths, and we are able to understand the overall creative vision. I can create a visual that will portray the true underlying message of Korina’s music,” said Alexis.
Band Members